UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - UPPSC (UP) (2024)

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150 Questions MCQ Test - UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern)

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) for UPPSC (UP) 2024 is part of UPPSC (UP) preparation. The UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPPSC (UP) exam syllabus.The UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) MCQs are made for UPPSC (UP) 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) below.

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UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 1


The 130th edition of the Durand Cup Football Tournament is scheduled to be held in which city from the 5th of September to the 3rd of October 2021?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 1

The 130th edition of the Durand Cup Football Tournament is scheduled to be held at Kolkata from the 5th of September to the 3rd of October 2021.

16 teams from across the country, including four from the Services will participate in the tournament. Durand Cup is the world’s third oldest and Asia’s oldest football tournament.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 2


Which of the following forms are/is described for India in the preamble of constitution-

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 2

In the preamble India has been described as a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC state.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 3


Who among the following destroyed the group of Forty Nobles?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 3

  • Ghiyasuddin Balban was the ninth sultan of the Mamluk dynasty of Delhi.

  • Ghiyasuddin was the vizier and heir of the last Shamsi sultan, Nasir ud-din.

  • He reduced the power of the treacherous nobility and heightened the stature of the sultan. In spite of having only few military achievements, he was the most powerful ruler of the sultanate between Shamsuddin Iltutmish and Alauddin Khilji.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 4


The city of Vijayanagar is also known as

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 4

  • The city of Vijaynagar was also known as Hampi.

  • It is located in present day district of Bellary.

  • It was established in 1336 by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I of Sangama Dynasty.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 5


In respect of the difference of the gravitational force from electric and magnetic forces, which one of the following statements is true?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 5

Gravitational force is only an attractive force because there are no negative mass particles, whereas an electric force is attractive between unlike charges and repulsive between like charges.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 6


The World Soil Day is being observed every year across the world on which of the following Day?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 6

The World Soil Day is being observed every year across the world on 5th December. The day is observed to aware the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to the human and as a migratory of biodiversity loss and climate change.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 7


Who among the following devised the technique IVF (In vitro Fertilization)?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 7

Robert G. Edwards devised IVF technique under which a baby took birth in hospital in 1978. He awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2010. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process of fertilization where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro (i.e. in glass).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 8


Asking the question "How will our life get affected if there were no electricity for a month?" aims at

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 8

No electricity means speed of life is slow and that quotes helps student to think about electricity uses applications and that helps to promote imaginative and thinking skills of students.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 9


Which of the following is warm blooded animal?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 9

The temperature of an animal’s blood is related to its body temperature and determines whether or not that animal is warm blooded or cold blooded. Bats however, are one of the exceptions mentioned above, as they do not fall neatly into either category since they are unable to maintain a constant body temperature, and cool off when they are not active.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 10


With reference to the geological time scale (GTS) which of the following order is correct?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 10

"SuperEon > Eon > Era > Period > Epoch" is the correct order (descending) with reference to the geological time scale (GTS).

The geologic time scale (GTS) is a system of chronological dating that classifies geological strata in time. It is used by geologists, paleontologists, and other Earth scientists to describe the timing and relationships of events in geologic history.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 11


What is the capital of Canada?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 11

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It stands on the south bank of the Ottawa River in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario.

Some facts about Canada

  1. Canada has two official languages, French and English.

  2. The official currency of Canada is the Canadian dollar.

  3. Canada has the second largest oil reserve in the world, directly behind Saudi Arabia.

  4. Lacrosse is the official sport of Canada, yet ice hockey is the most played sport.

  5. Contributing to its title as the world's most educated country, the literacy rate in Canada is 99%.

  6. Canada's national symbol, the beaver, with a polar bear.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 12


Special Drawing Rights is a type of international money. It was created by _______.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 12

Special drawing rights (currency code XDR) are supplementary foreign-exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The XDR is the unit of account for the IMF, and is not a currency per se. XDRs instead represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged. The XDR was created in 1969 to supplement a shortfall of preferred foreign-exchange reserve assets, namely gold and the U.S. dollar.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 13


Which of the following is a Trans-Himalayan river?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 13

The Sutlej is one of only three Trans-Himalayan rivers originating in the high Tibetan Plateau that cuts across the mighty Himalayan ranges at Himachal Pradesh.

Hence, option C is correct.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 14


Which one of the following is/are wrongly matched ?

A. typhoons - China Sea

B. hurricanes - India Ocean

C. cyclone - West Indies

D. tornadoes - Australia

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 14

A typhoon is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean between 180 ° and 100 °E. This region is referred to as the northwest Pacific basin.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 15


Who appoints the Union Public Service Commission?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 15

The Chairman and other members of the UPSC are appointed by the President of India. At least half of the members of the Commission are Civil Servants (working or retired) with minimum ten years of experience either in Central or State service.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 16


Where was Sant Ravidas born?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 16

Guru Ravidas (Raidas) ji was born in Kashi on the Magh Purnima day on Sunday, Samvat 1433. A couplet is prevalent about his birth.

Fourteen to thirty three Magha Sudi Pandaras. Sri Ravidas manifested the welfare of the afflicted.

His father's name was Rahu and mother's name was Karma. His wife was Lona.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 17


Which of the following drainage systems fall into bay of Bengal ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 17

Most of the major rivers of India, commonly flowing in the east, get into the Bay of Bengal. These include the Ganga and the Brahmaputra from the Himalayas and the Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Mahanadi, etc. arriving from Deccan. Narmada, Luni and Tapti are the major rivers flowing towards the west, which eventually get into the Arabian Sea.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 18


As part of the mega infantry modernisation programme, India is procuring a sizable number of AK-103 series of assault rifles for the Indian Army from which country?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 18

As part of the mega infantry modernisation programme, India is procuring a sizable number of AK-103 series of assault rifles for the Indian Army from Russia.

A deal has been finalized under the provisions of emergency procurement. Under the plan, the army is purchasing a large number of light machine guns, battle carbines, and assault rifles to replace its ageing and obsolete weapons.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 19


Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 19

Concave mirror used in the headlights of automobiles Because when the bulb of headlight is placed at focus of concave mirror it will allow the light to spread out to infinity.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 20


Rainfall caused by intense evaporation in equatorial areas is called……………….

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 20

  • Convective precipitation is generally more intense, and of shorter duration, than stratiform precipitation.

  • Orographic precipitation occurs when moist air is forced upwards over rising terrain, such as a mountain.

  • Precipitation can also fall in either liquid or solid phases, or transition between them.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 21


Biodegradable waste materials can be made harmless by

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 22


Which is the highest judicial authority in India whose decisions are binding on all courts?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 22

The decisions of the Supreme Court are binding on all courts, because it is at the apex of our judicial system.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 23


Alluvial soils are usually

(i) Rich in nitrogen

(ii) Poor in humus

(iii) Highly fertile

(iv) Easy to plough

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 23

  • The chemical composition of the alluvial soils makes this group of soils as one of the most fertile in the world.

  • The proportion of nitrogen is generally low, but potash, phosphoric acid and alkalies are adequate, while iron oxide and lime vary within a wide range. The porosity and texture provide good drainage and other conditions favourable for bumper crops.

  • These soils are easily replenished by the recurrent river floods and support uninterruped crop growth

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 24


Which one among the following is not an important factor of climate of an area?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 24

Important factors effective the climate of an area are : 1) Latitude 2) Altitude, 3) Nearness to sea; but longitude is not a factor to effect climate.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 25


Which financial regulators has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Indian Banks Association (IBA) to collaborate on capacity building for financial creditors on topics related to insolvency, bankruptcy and related subjects?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 25

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, an insolvency regulator signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Banks Association to collaborate on capacity building for financial creditors on topics related to insolvency, bankruptcy and related subjects.

The MoU was signed during the workshop on ‘Committee of Creditors: An Institution of Public Faith’ organised jointly by IBBI, SBI (State Bank of India) and IBA at New Delhi.

The timely resolution of insolvency cases can be undertaken by the Committee of Creditors and Resolution Professionals Resolution Professionals.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 26


EaseMyTrip partners with which bank to launch environment-- friendly green international debit card?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 26

DBS Bank India collaborate with EaseMyTrip to launch the Green international debit card.

This card is made using 99% recycled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material.

Green Debit Card provides exclusive travel-related offers and rewards to customers for adopting eco-friendly practices.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 27


Where did the Chief Minister inaugurate the first bird festival of Uttar Pradesh?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 27

In the last few years, many initiatives have been taken to create awareness about this world of birds and in this episode a tradition has started to celebrate Bird Festival i.e. Bird Festival by different states. Uttar Pradesh, which has about seven percent forest cover of its total area, has been a leading state in India in this initiative. A national park and twenty-five wild sanctuaries, this state is home to 550 of the total 1300 species of birds found in India. The lowland areas to its north-east are blessed with immense biodiversity due to the fertile alluvial soils of the rivers flowing through the Himalayas. The marshy land of the plains has been used as a refuge for the migratory birds that come in winter. In view of these immense possibilities of ecotourism, this festival was first organized in December 2015 in Chambal Forest Sanctuary of Agra district. On the lines of the Rutland Bird Watching Fair celebrated in Britain, bird experts, wildlife photographers, environmentalists were invited from all over the country and abroad.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 28


Which Union Ministry launched the revised protocol “Star Rating Protocol of Garbage Free Cities- Toolkit 2022”?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 28

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has launched the revised protocol of “Star Rating Protocol of Garbage Free Cities- Toolkit 2022” in December 2021.

On 1st October 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0, to create “Garbage Free Cities” (GFC). The aim of the programme is to make every urban local body at least 3-star Garbage Free as per the Star Rating protocol.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 29


Who was the founder of the Mauryan empire?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 29

  • The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive and powerful political and military empire in ancient India.

  • Chandragupta Maurya founded the Empire in 322 B.C.E. after overthrowing the Nanda Dynasty.

  • He began rapidly expanding his power westward across central and western India. The Mauryan Empire was arguably the largest empire to rule the Indian subcontinent.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 30


The most important text of vedic mathematics is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 30

Please note that Sulva sutras belong to a bigger text Shrauta Sutras. The four major Sulva Sutras, which are mathematically the most significant, are those composed by Baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba and Katyayana

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 31


How does the president of district panchayat elected?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 31

In the Panchayati Raj system, Gram panchayats aredirectly elected by the people and the President of Janpad Panchayat and District Panchayat are indirectly elected.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 32


Which State has longest international boundary with Pakistan?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 32

Jammu and Kashmir has the longest international boundary with Pakistan.

Hence, option D is correct.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 33


The President of which country has declared an economic emergency to contain soaring inflation after a steep fall in the value of the country's currency caused a spike in food prices?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 33

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has declared an economic emergency to contain soaring inflation after a steep fall in the value of the country's currency caused a spike in food prices.

The military will oversee the action which gives power to officials to ensure that essential items, including rice and sugar, are sold at government-guaranteed prices or prices based on import costs. The Sri Lankan rupee has fallen by 7.5 percent against the US dollar in 2021. According to bank data, Sri Lanka's foreign reserves fell to USD 2.8 billion at the end of July, from USD 7.5 billion in November 2019.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 34


‘National Gopal Ratna Awards’ are awarded by which institution?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 34

Union Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairying Parshottam Rupala conferred the National Gopal Ratna Awards recently.

The awards are presented to winners of the Best Dairy Farmer rearing indigenous cattle/buffalo breeds, Best Artificial Insemination Technician and Best Dairy Cooperative Society (DCS)/ Milk Producer Company/ Dairy Farmer Producer Organisation in the country.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 35


The cross elasticity of demand between petrol and car is _________

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 35

In economics, the cross elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded for a good to change the price of another good. In cross elasticity, the demand between petrol and car is negative.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 36


The system of Budget was introduced in India during the Viceroyalty of –

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 36

The system of budget was introduced in India during the viceroyalty of Lord Canning.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 37


Who of the following was the first Gupta ruler to issue coins ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 37

  • The coins were first issued by the Gupta rulers Chandragupta I.

  • There is no evidence of issuing coins by Kings Sri Gurupta and Ghatovakchach before Chandragupta First.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 38


Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 38

Two organelles (plastids) are responsible for some colors in plants.

  • (a) Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis and the green colors in plants.

  • (b) Chromoplasts contain carotenoid pigments and are responsible for many red, orange and yellow colors in plants.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 39


Which is the supreme law of India?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 39

Constitution of India is the supreme law of India.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 40


The Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) will become power-positive with the commissioning of its new solar power plant near Payyannur in which district of Kerala?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 40

The Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL), the world's first airport fully powered by solar energy, will become power-positive with the commissioning of its new solar power plant near Payyannur in the Kannur district of Kerala. CM Pinarayi Vijayan would inaugurate the 12 MWp solar power plant on 6 March 2022. The cumulative installed capacity of solar plants of CIAL has been scaled up to 50 MWp.

Hence, the correct option is (D).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 41


Who of the following enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in Union Cabinet ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 41

The composition of the Commission has undergone considerable changes since its initiation. With the Prime Minister as the ex officio Chairman, the committee has a nominated Deputy Chairman of Planning Commision, who is given the rank of a full Cabinet Minister.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 42


During which viceroy, Queen Victoria was crowned with ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ in Delhi Durbar?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 42

Empress of India or Kaisar-i-Hind, a form coined by the orientalist G.W. Leitner in a deliberate attempt to dissociate British imperial rule from that of preceding dynasties was taken by Queen Victoria from 1 May 1876, and proclaimed at the Delhi Durbar of 1877.

Hence, option B is correct.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 43


Freedom from Fear is a book written by

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 43

Freedom from Fear is both an essay by Aung San Suu Kyi, and a book of the same name comprising a collection of her essays. This is a collection of essays by and about the Burmese pro-democracy activist. It's split into three sections, the first being essays that she wrote before becoming politically active. This contains a biography of her father, the man regarded as the father of the modern Burma; a history of the country written for a younger audience; a comparison of colonialism in Burma and India; and a review of Burmese literature and nationalism.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 44


Many scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is predominantly the result of

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 45


SRESHTA’ scheme is set to be launched by which Union Ministry?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 45

The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry is set to launch the Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas (SRESHTA) scheme. The scheme will focus on the socio-economic upliftment and overall development of the Scheduled Caste students by providing quality residential education to meritorious Scheduled Caste students in reputed private schools, which are having residential facility.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 46


Which of the following were the most standardized products of the indus people?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 46

The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) mainly in the north western regions of South Asia, extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India. Along with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it was one of three early civilisations of the Old World, and of the three, the most widespread. The most standardized product of the Indus people were bricks.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 47


Lakshya Sen is associated with which sports ____.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 47

The 15-year-old shuttler from Almora, Lakshya Sen, created history after he became the number one junior singles badminton player in the world in the latest rankings of the Badminton World Federation 2017.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 48


Which country is in the process of building the largest single Aperture Radio Telescope ­ FAST

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 48

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope is a radio telescope located in the Dawodang depression, a natural basin in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, southwest China. It consists of a fixed 500 m (1,600 ft) diameter dish constructed in a natural depression in the landscape. It is the world's largest filled-aperture radio telescope, and the second-largest single-dish aperture after the sparsely-filled RATAN-600 in Russia. It has a novel design, using an active surface for pointing and focusing, rather than only correcting residual errors, and suspending the receiver on a computer-controlled winch system without any rigid connection to the primary.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 49


Union Budget is always presented first in _________?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 49

The Union Budget of India, also referred to as the Annual financial statement in the Article 112 of the Constitution of India is the annual budget of the Republic of India. It is presented each year on the last working day of February by the Finance Minister of India in Parliament.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 50


The highest mountain peak in Peninsular India is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 50

The highest peak of Peninsular India is Anaimudi (2695 m) in Anaimalai Hills. It is located in Kerala in the Western Ghats.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 51


Where does the monsoon wind originate?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 51

Monsoon Originating region of Monsoon winds are Tropics. A monsoon is a seasonal shift in the prevailing wind direction that usually brings with it a different kind of weather. It almost always refers to the Asian monsoon, a large region extending from India to Southeast Asia where monsoon conditions prevail.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 52


Tipu Sultan lost his life in the ______ Anglo-Mysore war.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 52

  • The 4th Anglo–Mysore War was a conflict in South India between the Kingdom of Mysore against the British East India Company and the Hyderabad Deccan in 1798-99.

  • This was the final conflict of the four Anglo–Mysore Wars.

  • The British captured the capital of Mysore.

  • The ruler Tipu Sultan was killed in the battle.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 53


Kishore Das has been selected for the Commonwealth Points of Light Award 2022, is associated with which country?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 53

Kishore Kumar Das has been chosen for the Commonwealth Points of Light Award for his exceptional work in improving access to education for children from marginalised backgrounds. He is is associated with Bangladesh. He started an educational charity named Bidyanando in 2013 with just 22 students.

Hence, the correct option is (D).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 54


Which city is set to get India's first heli-hub with all aviation facilities?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 54

Haryana Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala announced that Gurugram will get India’s first heli-hub with all aviation facilities. The heli-hub will be the first of its kind in India to have all facilities at one place for helicopters. The heli-hub is proposed to be built in Gurugram & would be near the metro facility along with easy connectivity to industrial areas (Noida & Bhiwadi).

Hence, the correct option is (D).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 55


Which of the following could be plausible options to curb the incidents of forest fires in the Himalayan region?

  1. Replacing the Pine reserve forests areas with Broad leaf plants

  2. Discouraging the collection of Chir Pine needles to allow its decay

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 55

Chir pine needles if not removed from ground, could easily catch fire. In fact it was the major reason behind the recent forest fires in Uttarakhand.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 56


The moderates and extremists in Congress came on common platform again in 1916 at-

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 56

The Lucknow Session 1916 session brought the moderates and extremists in Congress on common platform again after nearly a decade.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 57


Plant is one of the ______ kingdoms.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 57

Plant is one of the five kingdoms.

Plant is one of the five kingdoms namely Protista, Monera, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Whittaker in 1959 classified living organisms into five kingdoms.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 58


Which language Day is observed on 18 December?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 58

Arabic Language Day is celebrated on 18 December. The theme of World Arabic Language Day for the year 2021 is "Arabic language, a bridge between civilizations". The theme aims to highlight the importance of language in connecting people and knowledge systems, history.

The theme reflects the role of Arabic as a connector between civilizations and its role in building peace and enhancing dialogue.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 59


By which Act, Rule of East India Company ended in India?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 59

The Government of India Act 1858, marked the beginning of new chapter in the constitutional history of India. The Act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, provided for liquidation of East India Company, and transferred the powers of government, territories and revenues to the British Crown.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 60


The word secular was added by which amendment act

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 60

  • The term "Secular" was added to the Preamble by Indira Gandhi Government in the 42nd amendment.

  • On 18 December 1976, during the Emergency in India, the Indira Gandhi government pushed through several changes in the Forty-second Amendment of the constitution.

  • Through this amendment the words "socialist" and "secular" were added between the words "sovereign" and "democratic" and the words "unity of the Nation" were changed to "unity and integrity of the Nation".

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 61


What's the name of country's first ever cultural survey of India's villages through mobile phones?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 61

Government-promoted CSC SPV, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, will undertake the first-ever cultural survey of India's villages through a mobile application. The survey, titled 'Mera Gaon, Meri Dharohar', will document the cultural identity at the village level by involving citizens to share what makes their village, block or district unique.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 62


Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 62

Badruddin Tyabji was the first muslim president of Indian National Congress elected in its 1887 Madras session.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 63


Ringgit is the currency of which country?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 63

Ringgit is the currency of Malaysia.

The currencies of the other countries are as follows:

  1. Cambodia: Riel

  2. South Korea: Won

  3. Indonesia: Indonesian rupiah

  4. Myanmar: Burmese kyat.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 64


‘Christopher Columbus monument’, which is confirmed to be replaced by an indigenous woman’s statue, is located in which city?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 64

Mexico City’s government has confirmed that the capital’s Christopher Columbus monument would be replaced by a statue of an indigenous woman.

The statue was removed last year after indigenous rights activists threatened to tear the statue down. It is set to be replaced by a replica of a pre-Columbian statue known as the Young Woman of Amajac.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 65


Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of the roots of a Banyan tree?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 65

As the Banyan tree grows, the trunk gains tremendous width and height. Branches produce aerial roots that reach ground, establish themselves in the ground and ultimately unite with the main trunk. Because of its structure, Banyan makes an excellent bonsai.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 66


From where was the origin of Khilji dynasty occurred?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 66

The Khilji was a dynasty of Turkish origin who ruled large parts of South Asia from 1290 - 1320.

  • They were the second Muslim dynasty to rule the Delhi Sultanate of India.

  • Led by their powerful ruler, Ala-ud-din Khilji, they are noted in history for repeatedly defeating the warring Mongols.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 67


What is the Solar Wind Hack that has been in news recently?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 67

The Solar Wind hack, which is in news recently, is a cyber attack uncovered in the United States.

It was first detected by American cyber security company Fire Eye, and since then more cases are coming to light each day. More importantly, this malware was able to thwart even tools like anti-virus that could detect it.

Hence option (A) is correct.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 68


Which one of the following is not a correct description of the Directive Principles of State Policy?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 68

* Article 37, while stating that the Directive Principles are not enforceable in any court of law, declares them to be "fundamental to the governance of the country" and imposes an obligation on the State to apply them in matters of legislation.

* Article 39 lays down certain principles of policy to be followed by the State, including providing an adequate means of livelihood for all citizens, equal pay for equal work for men and women, proper working conditions, reduction of the concentration of wealth and means of production from the hands of a few, and distribution of community resources to "subserve the common good".

* Article 47 commits the State to raise the standard of living and improve public health, and prohibit the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs injurious to health.

* Thus, they serve to emphasise the welfare state model of the Constitution and emphasize the positive duty of the State to promote the welfare of the people by affirming social, economic and political justice, as well as to fight income inequality and ensure individual dignity, as mandated by Article 38.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 69


The type of cell division in which chromosomes within the nucleus split into two identical part?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 69

Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 70


When was "The Operation Green Project" started in Uttar Pradesh?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 70

The Operation Green Project was started in 2001 in Uttar Pradesh. The main objective of the government through this scheme is to provide relief to farmers from losses.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 71


The earth rotates

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 71

The earth rotates west to east. Earth's rotation is the rotation of Planet Earth around its own axis. Earth rotates eastward, in prograde motion. The earth rotates about an imaginary line that passes through the North and South Poles of the planet. This line is called the axis of rotation. Earth rotates about this axis once each day.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 72


Per Capita Income is obtained by dividing National Income by

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 72

Per capita income or average income measures the average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a specified year. It is calculated by dividing the area's total income by its total population.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 73


The ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas’ is being celebrated annually across the country on?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 73

  • The ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas’ is being celebrated annually on 9th January by India to mark the contribution of the overseas India community towards the development of India.

  • The day commemorates the return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa to Mumbai on 9th January 1915.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 74


Identify the one which is not related to the Agricultural Price Policy.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 74

This policy is a tool to influence the price of agricultural product. It is on incentive to the producer to produce a particular product according the desired quantity. There is no need of license.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 75


How many five-year plans have been undertaken in India after independence to the dissolution of the planning commission?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 75

  • The 12th and last five year plan of India was completed on March 31, 2017. With this, the five year plans have become a thing of past.

  • It was already announced that there will be no more five year plans.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 76


Which of the following is not a feature of Indifference curves?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 76

Indifference curve is an Economic term. An indifference curve is the locus of various points showing different combinations of two goods providing equal utility to the consumer. FOUR features / PROPERTIES OF AN INDIFFERENCE CURVE are given as below:

  1. Indifference curves slope downward to the right.
  2. Indifference curves are convex to the origin.
  3. Indifference curves cannot intersect each other.
  4. A higher indifference curve represents a higher level of satisfaction than a lower indifference curve.

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UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 77


Which tribes of the state follow the religion of Islam?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 77

Mahigir tribe of Uttar Pradesh state believes in Islam religion.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 78


What is the name of the state animal of Uttar Pradesh?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 79


What type of lens is used to correct vision of a person suffering from Myopia?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 79

Myopia is a condition in which close objects appear clearly, but far ones don't. Myopia may be corrected with lenses. Concave lenses are used here. They spread the light out before it reaches the convex lens in the eye, therefore letting the image focus directly on the retina.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 80


From where did India adopted the federal system with a strong centre?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 80

The Federal System with Strong Centre has been borrowed by the Indian Constitution from Canada.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 81


The father of extremist movement in India is:

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 81

Lokmanya Tilak, born as Keshav Gangdhar Tilak (23 July 1856 - 1 August 1920), was an Indian nationalist, journalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer and independence fighter who was the first popular leader of the Indian independence Movement.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 82


What is the name of the annual meteor shower, which is active during January?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 82

The Quadrantids, one of the brightest annual meteor showers, are active from December 28 to January 12.

According to NASA, approximately 80 meteors per hour can be seen with the meteor velocity being 41 kilometers per second. Though most meteor showers originate from comets, the Quadrantids originate from an asteroid named 2003 EH1. The meteor shower gets its name from the constellation of Quadrans Muralis (Mural Quadrant).

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 83


Consider the following statements regarding NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority):

  1. It is constituted under The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2006

  2. Prime Minister is the ex-officio chairman of the authority

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 83

Chairman of NTCA is Minister of Environment and Forest.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 84


Ascorbic acid is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 84

Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring with properties. It is a white solid, but impure samples can appear yellowish. It dissolves well in water to give mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is one form ("") of . It was originally called L-hexuronic acid, but, when it was found to have vitamin C activity in animals ("vitamin C" being defined as a vitamin activity, not then a specific substance), the suggestion was made to rename it. The new name, ascorbic acid, is derived from a- (meaning "no") and scorbutus (), the disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Because it is derived from , many non-human animals are able to produce it, but humans require it as part of their nutrition.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 85


Anemophily is the pollination by _____.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 85

  • Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind.

  • Almost all gymnosperms are anemophilous, as are many plants in the order Poales, including grasses, sedges and rushes.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 86


What was the first invaded of Muhamed Gazani?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 86

Mahmud of Ghazni first invaded modern Afghanistan and Pakistan in 1000 AD. He defeated Hindu shahi kingdom ruler Jaya Pala, who killed himself later, and his son Ananda Pala became his successor.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 87


Which of the following is not considered a Democracy?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 87

Four divisions, the legislative, executive, judiciary, and military, comprise the Communist Government of the People’s Republic of China.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 88


What is the name of the India’s longest expressway built by the Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority (UPEIDA)?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 88

India’s longest expressway connecting Agra and Lucknow was inaugurated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav at Bangarmau in Unnao district of UP. It has been built by the Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority (UPEIDA) in a record time of 23 months.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 89


First National Park of India is ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 89

  • Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest national park in India, and its establishment was in 1936, when it was named Halley National Park.

  • Its main objective was to preserve the Bengal Tiger (tiger) lying in danger. Due to Jim Corbett's contribution to this park, its name was later named on "Jim Corbett".

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 90


Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus Nikator in which year?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 90

Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus Nikator in 305 BC where in he defeated him and overtook a large part of his empire.

The Seleucid–Mauryan War was fought between 305 and 303 BCE.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 91


Which institution has developed the supersonic missile assisted torpedo system launched by India?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 91

India launched the supersonic missile assisted torpedo system developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

The next-generation missile-based standoff torpedo delivery system was launched from Wheeler Island in Odisha, from a ground mobile launcher. Several DRDO labs were involved in developing the missile system.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 92


The degree of monopoly power is to be measured in terms of the firm's

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 92

Supernormal profit is also called economic profit, and abnormal profit, and is earned when total revenue is greater than the total costs. Total costs include a reward to all the factors, including normal profit.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 93


When was the "Uttar Pradesh Goseva Commission" established in the state?

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Consider the following statements and choose relevant option:

  1. It is considered to be the most important area for the economy of the state.

  2. It stretches across the entire length of the state.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 95


The Principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity of the Indian constitution are borrowed from the ______ constitution.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 95

Source of Indian Constitution

From French Revolution 1789-1799

  • Ideal of Liberty, Equality and fraternity

  • Ideal of Republic

From the Constitution of United States:

  • Fundamental Rights

  • Independent Judiciary

  • Judicial Review

  • Impeachment of President

  • Removal of Supreme Court Judges

  • Vice Presidential Ship

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 96


What was the percentage increase in literacy of Uttar Pradesh in the year 2011 as compared to 2001?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 97


Sal trees are the typical species of ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 97

  • This tree is native to the Indian subcontinent, ranging south of the Himalaya, from Myanmar in the east to Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

  • In India, it extends from Assam, Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand west to the Shivalik Hills in Haryana, east of the Yamuna.

  • The range also extends through the Eastern Ghats and to the eastern Vindhya and Satpura ranges of central India.

  • It is often the dominant tree in the forests where it occurs. In Nepal, it is found mostly in the terai region from east to west, especially, in the Churia range (the Shivalik Hill Churia Range) in the subtropical climate zone.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 98


When is World Senior Citizen Day observed every year?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 98

World Senior Citizen Day is observed on August 21 every year.

The day was first proposed by former US President Ronald Reagan in 1988. On August 21 that year, he officially commemorated the first National Senior Citizens Day. Two years later, the United Nations General Assembly adopted it as a global celebration.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 99


Which one of the following is the Chairman of the National Development Council ?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 99

Chairman of the National Development Council is the Prime Minister of India. It was built on August 6, 1952

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 100


Which part of the human brain is the centre of memory, learning, thinking and reasoning?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 100

The cerebrum refers to the parts of the brain containing the cerebral cortex as well as several subcortical structures, including the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb. In humans, the cerebrum is the superior-most region of the central nervous system (CNS).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 101


Which of the following have the potential to trigger a tsunami?

1. Landslides

2. Volcanic eruptions

3. Glacial calving

4. Meteorite impact

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 101

Tsunami is a special case of a wave that isn’t formed by the wind because the wind cannot generate that much power. It is often caused due to volcanoes, earthquakes and landslides.The fall of meteorites or asteroids in the earth's oceans has the potential of generating tsunamis of cataclysmic proportions.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 102


National Land Monetization Corporation (NLMC) functions under the administrative jurisdiction of which Ministry?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 102

The Finance Minister had announced plans to set up a special purpose vehicle for this purpose in the Union Budget 2021−22.

In August, 2021, the government of India launched the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP).

The new company will be set up under the administrative jurisdiction of the finance ministry.

NLMC will hire professionals from the private sector just as in the case of similar specialized government companies like the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) and Invest India.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 103


Consider the following statements:

  1. The nuclear fuels uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are the materials from which nuclear weapons are made.

  2. Radioactive radon gas is a colourless gas produced from the decay of plutonium.

Which of the above given statements is/are correct?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 104


Solankis were the rulers of

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 105


The sounds having a frequency of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz are known as

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 105

The SI unit of audio frequency is the hertz (Hz). It is the property of sound that most determines pitch. The generally accepted standard range of audible frequencies is 20 to 20,000 Hz, although the range of frequencies individuals hear is greatly influenced by environmental factors.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 106


The Vijay Satambha at Chittor was built by

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 106

  • Vijay Stambha("Kirttistambha") is an imposing victory monument located in Chittorgarh fort in Chittorgarh in Rajasthan.

  • This tower is the pièce de résistance of Chittorgarh.

  • It was constructed by Mewar king Rana Kumbha in 1448 to commemorate his victory over the combined armies of Malwa and Gujarat led by Mahmud Khilji.

  • The tower is dedicated to Vishnu.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 107


In which of the following city, Union Shipping Minister Sarbananda Sonowal has flagged off India's first Water taxi services in February 2022?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 107

Water taxi services connecting the twin cities, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, the first of its kind in India, was flagged off by Union Shipping Minister Sarbananda Sonowal (As of Feb 2022), on 17 February 2022. The Rs. 8.37 crore project will presently run on three routes and the State and the Centre have each shared 50% of the expenditure. In the initial stage, seven speedboats will run on these routes.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 108


Which of the following is the highest Civilian Award of India?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 108

Bharat Ratna is the highest Civilian Award of India.

Note: Padma Vibhushan is the second highest, Padma Bhushan is the third highest and Padma Shree is the fourth highest Civilian Award of India.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 109


Tax on inheritance is called _________.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 109

Estate Duty - In India for the first time in 1935, estate duty, ie estate duty, was implemented. This was based on the estate duty applied in England. In this, upon the death of a person, the main property to his heir was collected. The main property was the property of the deceased person which could be sold in the market while he was alive. This tax remained in force in India till 1986. This tax was abolished by Rajiv Gandhi's government.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 110


________ is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services and the inflation rate falls below 0 %.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 110

Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% (a negative inflation rate). Inflation reduces the value of currency over time, but deflation increases it. This allows one to buy more goods and services than before with the same amount of currency.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 111


P Keshava Rao passed away in August 2021. He was the former judge of which High Court?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 111

The Telangana High Court Judge, Justice P Keshava Rao passed away in August 2021.

He had been serving as a Telangana High Court judge since September 21, 2017. After bifurcation of the High Court from January 1, 2019, he continued as the judge of Telangana High Court.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 112


The ancient name of the Indus region during the trade relations with Mesopotamia was

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 113


Who among the following was the first elected chairman of the Constituent Assembly?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 113

  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first elected chairman of Constituent Assembly.

  • A constituent assembly is a body or assembly of popularly elected representatives composed for the purpose of drafting or adopting a document called the constitution.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 114


The Arab conquest of Sindh in 712 A.D. led to

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 115


The Good Governance Day is being celebrated every year across the country on ____.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 115

The Good Governance Day is celebrated every year across the country on December 25 to mark the birthday anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The day was established in 2014 to honour Mr Vajpayee by fostering awareness among the people of accountability in government.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 116


The original constitution of India was handwritten by?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 116

The original constitution of India was handwritten by Prem Behari Narain Raizada, who penned the constitution in his own impeccable calligraphy.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 117


Kamarupa is the old name of

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 118


Which state/UT is set to host the 25th National Youth Festival in 2022?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 118

Puduch*erry Union Territory government is making arrangements to host the 25th National Youth Festival on January 12.

The Day marks the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Over 7,000 youth from across the country will take part in the events, held in association with the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. The Minister also unveiled the festival logo and mascot, “Saksham Yuva-Shashakt Yuva”.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 119


What is the percentage of male population in the total population of the state?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 119

According to the 2011 census, the total population of Uttar Pradesh is 199,812,341 of which male and female are 104480510 and 95331831 respectively.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 120


Match the following:

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Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 120

Jharia- famous for coal in Jharkhand Khetri-famous for copper in Rajasthan

Mayurbhanj-famous for iron in Odisha Panna-famous for diamond in Madhya Pradesh

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 121


Under which tree Gautam Buddha attained 'Nirvana'?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 121

  • Gautam Buddha attained Nirvana under the Peepal Tree at Bodh Gaya.

  • The Bodhi Tree was a large and ancient sacred fig tree located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

  • This tree is one of the most important of the four main Buddhist pilgrimage sites.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 122


If a human disease breaks out across a large region of the world, what is it called?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 122

If a human disease spreads in the larger area of ​​the world, it is called pandemic. Answer is Pandemic only and not Epidemic as many would think.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 123


Which of these periods shows the evidence of intentional disposal of the dead?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 124


The vacancy of the office of the President must be filled with in :

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 124

The election is to be held within 6 months of the vacancy.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 125


In September 2021, which of the following IITs has launched ‘Project Udaan’?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 125

IIT-Bombay has launched ‘Project Udaan’.

It enables the translation of textbooks and other study material related to engineering and other streams. The aim is to break the language barrier that many students face when they join institutes of higher education. The project was envisaged by Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Institute Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Hence, the correct option is (A).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 126


Who has presented the most number of union budgets in the history of independent India?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 126

Morarji Desai has presented 10 budgets which is the highest followed by P Chidambaram's 9 and Pranab Mukherjee's 8, Yashwant Sinha, Yashwantrao Chavan and C.D. Deshmukh have presented 7 budgets each while Manmohan Singh and T.T. Krishnamachari have presented 6 budgets.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 127


‘Vallam Kali Boat Race' is held in which state?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 127

Vallam Kali is a traditional boat race in Kerala, conducted during the harvest festival of Onam during Autum. It is also known as snake boat race held in Punnamada Lake near Alappuzha.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 128


Place chronologically the following treaties:

1. Treaty of Amritsar

2. Treaty of Bassein

3. Treaty of Seringapatnam

4. Treaty of Salbai

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 128

1.Treaty of Salbai – 1782

2.Treaty of Seringapatnam – 1792

3.Treaty of Bassein – 1802

4. Treaty of Amritsar – 1809

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 129


Which state is to impose a tax plan to meet the expenses of running cow shelters in the state?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 129

In Madhya Pradesh, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government has decided to set up a tax plan for“Cow Welfare in the State".

He announced this during a review meeting of the ‘Madhya Pradesh Gaupalan and Livestock Promotion Board’. The government is planning to impose a surcharge on products such as liquor and services provided by local bodies to generate ₹100 crores to meet the expenses of cow shelters.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 130


On which canal "Khatima Shakti Kendra" is established?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 131


Consider the following.

  1. Pressure gradient force

  2. Frictional force

  3. Coriolis force

  4. Gravitational force

The horizontal winds near the earth surface respond to the combined effect of which of the above mentioned forces?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 131

The horizontal winds near the earth surface respond to the combined effect of three forces: pressure gradient force, frictional force and coriolis force.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 132


Akbar's successors as Mogul emperors, who among the following his son and grandson had Rajput mothers?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 132

Akbar's successors as Mogul emperors, his son Jahangir and grandson Shah Jahan had Rajput mothers. It was due to the support of the Rajputs that Akbar was able to lay the foundations of the Mughal empire in India.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 133


Examples of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are:

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 133

Option 1 : (A), (D), (E) only

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 134


In which state Lokayukta and Upalokayukta Act was first passed?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 134

Maharashtra was the first state to introduce the institution of Lokayukta through The Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayuktas Act in 1971.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 135


What is the formula of chlorophyll ‘b’?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 135

  • C55H70O6N4Mg is the formula of chlorophyll ‘b’. Chlorophyll b helps in by absorbing light energy.

  • It is more soluble than in solvents because of its group. Its color is yellow, and it primarily absorbs blue light.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 136


Which of the following is not considered a national debt?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 136

The National Savings Certificate is a fixed income investment scheme that you can open with any post office. A Government of India initiative, it is a savings bond that encourages subscribers (mainly small to mid-income investors) to invest while saving on income tax.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 137


With reference to the protection of maritime environment, which of the following statements is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 137

The Hong Kong convention envisages for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships.

The Nairobi international convention provides the legal basis for the states to remove ship wrecks that may have the potential to adversely affect marine environment.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 138


The main latitude that passes almost halfway through India is

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 138

India is located in the northern hemisphere. The Tropic of Cancer (23 °30’N) passes almost halfway through the country. From south to north, India extends between 804’N and 3706’N latitudes. From west to east, India extends between 68 °7’E and 97 °25’E longitudes.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 139


Which of the following operated as a middleman between Mesopotamia and Indus in trade?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 140


Which of the following is a feature of Presidential form of government?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 140

The presidential form of government is that in which the executive is not responsible to the legislature. An example of such a system of Government is the United States of America (U.S.A)

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 141


Which of the following is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 141

The Andromeda Galaxy also known as Messier 31 is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way.

It appears as a fuzzy patch of light and contains millions of stars. It is the farthest object that can be seen with the naked eyes.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 142


If the money supply increases, the LM curve shifts _______.

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 142

If the money supply increases (decreases), ceteris paribus, the interest rate is lower (higher) at each level of Y, or in other words, the LM curve shifts right (left).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 143


Which among the following Soils is known by different names like- Reh, kallar, USAR, etc.?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 143

  1. Saline and Alkaline soils are found in the arid and semi-arid parts of Rajasthan, Punjab,Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

  2. These soils are characterized by white incrustation of salts of calcium, magnesium and sodium on the surface.

  3. These soils are known by different names such as 'reh', 'usar', 'kallar', 'chopan', etc.

  4. Accumulation of salt make this soil unfertile and unsuitable for agricultural production.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 144


Which of the following relation is correct?

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 145


What is the rank of India in the 2021 Mercer CFS Global Pension Index survey?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 145

India has ranked 40th out of 43 pension systems across the world in the 2021 Mercer CFS Global Pension Index survey.

In 2020, India was placed at 34th position out of 39 pension systems. Iceland was ranked highest with an overall index value of 84.2 while Thailand had the lowest overall index value at 40.6.

The index analyses the strengths of retirement pension systems around three sub-indexes – adequacy, sustainability, and integrity.

Hence, the correct option is (D).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 146


The first woman Governor of a State in free India was

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 146

Naidu served as the first governor of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh from 1947 to 1949; the first woman to become the governor of an Indian state. She was the second woman to become the president of the Indian National Congress in 1925 and the first Indian woman to do so.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 147


What is the rank of India on a new Global Youth Development Index measuring the condition of young people across 181 countries?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 147

India is ranked 122nd on a new Global Youth Development Index measuring the condition of young people across 181 countries.

The index was released by the Commonwealth Secretariat in London on 10 August 2021. Singapore ranked topmost followed by Slovenia, Norway, Malta and Denmark.

Hence, the correct option is (D).

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 148


Which Mughal Emperor transferred the Mughal Capital from Agra to Delhi?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 148

Shahjahan transferred the Mughal Capital from Agra to Delhi. He was a more Orthodox Muslim than his father and grandfather. His policies towards non-Muslims were less liberal than Jahangir and Akbar.

More about shah jahan

  • Mirza Shahabuddin Baig Muhammad Khan Shah Jahan (5 January 1592 – 9 May 1666) was the fifth Mughal emperor , who reigned from 1628 to 1658.

  • He was considered one of the greatest Mughals of the Timur family.

  • The period of his reign was considered the golden age of Mughal architecture.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 149


Which of following is the main protein in plasma?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 149

The proteins present in the plasma of human blood are a mixture of simple proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins and other conjugated proteins called “Plasma Proteins“. These may be separated by salt precipitation, immunological technique and electrophoresis.

Note: Plasma constitutes 55% of blood fluid.

UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 150


Who is the author of the book "Crunch Time: Narendra Modi’s National Security Crises"?

Detailed Solution for UPPSC (GS I) Practice Test- 1 (Old Pattern) - Question 150

Sreeram Chaulia is the author of the book "Crunch Time: Narendra Modi’s National Security Crises". The book was released by Meenakshi Lekhi, Minister of State for External Affairs on April 2022. The book highlights the much needed public faith in the state to protect the country from security threats posed by India’s external adversaries. The book analyses PM Modi’s series of decision-making moves during the crises with China and Pakistan.

Hence, the correct option is (B).

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