Parish Newsletter 26.5.2024 (2024)


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Parish Priest: Fr Anthony Dampson
Assistant Priest: Fr Marek Balawender

Parish Notices

MASS CHANGE Mass on Bank Holiday Monday, May 27th, will be at 10am in OLOP.

FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CERTIFICATES 2024 We extend a warm invitation to all children and their parents to join us for the 9.30am Corpus Christi Mass at Our Lady of Peace Church on Sunday June 2nd. During this special occasion, the children will receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion certificates. We kindly request that everyone come dressed in their First Holy Communion attire. Additionally, please bring finger food/nibbles to share for a celebratory gathering after the Mass. Let us kindly keep our communicants and their families in our Prayers.

SAFEGUARDING TRAINING All Parish volunteers, holding a DBS certificate, are required by the diocese undergo a mandatory online Safeguarding Training course. This training can be undertaken individually or as part of a group session at OLOP church. For further details and to sign up for the training, please reach out to Mairin Comfort in person or at the following email: safeguarding.olop[AT] Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of our Parish community.

OFFERTORY The collection for 19th May amounted to £720.22. The DONA plate offerings amounted to £29.43 for this weekend. The Tea & Coffee collection for 19th May amounted to £50.30. We are very grateful for your continued support.

RETIRING COLLECTION There will be a retiring collection this weekend for the flowers.

RELIC OF ST EDMUND CAMPION The relic of St Edmund Campion will visit Our Lady of Peace Church on Friday, 7th June for the 9.30am Mass.

SVP – SUMMER RAFFLE The St Vincent de Paul Society alleviates the effects of poverty and loneliness through its members, volunteers and staff by providing friendship, practical assistance, and daily support to people in need in your local area. With the purchase of each ticket you will be supporting the work of the SVP groups or Support Centre within your local community as well as the work of the national society. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses from next weekend and are priced at £1 per ticket. If you would like to support, please contact SVP members.

PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM The Diocese of Northampton, on Saturday 8th June 2024, are organising a Pilgrimage to Walsingham, where Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother of God appeared in 1061, to Lady Richeldis. Our Lady appeared to her and showed her the Holy House in Nazareth where the Holy Family once lived and in which the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel occurred. She asked Lady Richeldis to build a replica of the Holy House in Walsingham.

Bishop David, will be the chief Celebrant for the Midday Mass at the National Shrine. The optional Holy Mile Walk will start at 3pm from the Slipper Chapel and proceed along the ancient pilgrim route to the Priory Grounds, where there will be a short service at the site of where the original Holy House was built. Our Lady of Peace are organising a coach to this event and tickets are £30 leaving from OLP at 6:45am, and Walsingham at 5:30pm. Please call Edward on 07802 753575 or Zina on 07586 545850.

LIGHTHOUSE BURNHAM Come and be part of the best week of the Summer Holidays.
From Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August 2024 between 9.30am and 2.30pm, 150 children aged 4 to 11 will descend on Lighthouse Burnham at the Phoenix Rugby Club and we need lots of lovely people to make sure they have an incredible time. You can be a Lighthouse Keeper and look after the group of children helped by teenage Lamplighters, you can get creative in craft, express yourself in drama, get sweaty in sport and then there’s back of house jobs that need doing, there really is something for everyone. Loads of information on the website:

MARRIAGE PAPERWORK ADMINISTRATION FEES Please note on the administration fees below which relate to the processing (and postage costs) of marriage paperwork for marriages and convalidations which will take place outside of your parish, and are therefore, subject to approval by the Chancery Office in the diocese.
These fees will take effect from 1st May 2024.
UK & Europe – £30
Rest of the World – £50
The fees should be paid to the parish by the engaged couple. The Parish will then need to forward a cheque, made payable to RCDN, with the completed marriage paperwork to the Chancery Office. Completed marriage paperwork should be submitted to the Chancery Office a minimum of 3 months before the marriage is due to take place.

SPONSOR A PEW OR CHAIR DEDICATED TO YOUR FAMILY OR LOVED ONE We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming support we’ve received as we progress on the journey to revitalize our cherished church. Your generosity has brought us closer to our goal, and now we’re excited to offer a special opportunity for you to leave a lasting legacy in our church, provide a meaningful tribute to your family or a loved one and contribute to the beauty and comfort of our worship space, by sponsoring a pew or a church chair. Each sponsored pew or chair will feature an inscribed brass plaque, serving as a permanent reminder of your devotion and support for our parish. You can contribute through monthly installments if you wish. Perhaps a shared sponsorship with a group or another family might suit? Sign up sheets can be found at the church doors. Let’s create a sanctuary that not only reflects our shared faith but also honours the cherished memories and legacies of our parishioners. Thank you for your continued generosity and commitment to the future of our church.

POPE PRAYER INTENTION FOR MAY Let us pray that men and women religious, and seminarians, grow in their own vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, that leads them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.

ST GILBERT’S MISSION PROJECT There are little bottles in the Church porches for any spare change! Please take one home and return when filled up.

PARISH SUPPORT GROUP We have a parish support group for those who have been bereaved. If you feel this might be for you please ring 01628 666278. You will be warmly welcomed. office.ourladyofpeace[AT]

SHOP ONLINE AND AUTOMATICALLY RAISE FUNDS FOR OUR LADY OF PEACE Give as you Live Online is a free and easy way to raise money for Our Lady of Peace Church when you shop online with 6,000+ stores. Boost donations by simply registering first and then clicking on the ‘share’ link and sharing with your friends and family – an extra £5 is donated to our church when the first £5 is spent! Link: Shop Online & Raise Money – Give as you Live Online

Parish Newsletter 26.5.2024 (1)

TEA AND COFFEE The money raised from the teas and coffees will be for the Church Refurbishment Fund. Refreshments are available each Sunday after the 9.30am Mass.

COFFEE SHOP is held at St Andrew’s every Saturday morning from 10.00am – 12.00noon. It is open to everyone, please pop in and enjoy tea/coffee and cake!

ORGANISING ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS ACROSS THE PARISH For anyone organising activities and events in OLP or St Andrew’s, please contact the Parish Office and advise Venecia so she can ensure that the diary is always current and check for clashes of venue or dates.

FAMILIES NEEDING HELP If anyone is aware of people who require assistance/help, please provide names and contact information to the parish office.

SLOUGH FOODBANK For details on how to donate see or please view the poster on the parish noticeboard.

SAFEGUARDING Please remember that Bishop David is available to meet with anyone affected by abuse in our Church. To make an appointment (at short or long notice) please contact our diocesan safeguarding office.

SAFEGUARDING DBS CHECKS If you have any DBS forms that need to be checked and validated, please contact Máirín Comfort. She can be reached via email at safeguarding.olop[AT], or at OLOP church after the 9.30am Mass. Kindly get in touch with her to arrange a suitable time for form validation. Thank you for your cooperation.

WYCOMBE HOMELESS PROJECT Please see poster on parish noticeboard of this local charity supported by the Knights of St Columba who are raising funds to help homeless people in South Bucks who need emergency accommodation and specialist support to avoid illegal and unfair eviction, also access to health services and much more. You can help directly by sending monies to Bank Account 07517319, Sort Code 60-11-01 “Knights of St Columba” with reference to the WHC Project. Any queries or more information can be obtained from Paul Hogwood on 07740-812414 or email: pjhogwood[AT]

OUR PARISH LIST OF THE SICK There is a book where you can enter the name of the person to be prayed for. In line with Data Protection legislation please obtain the consent of the person before entering their name in the book. This book will be placed on the altar during each Mass in Our Lady of Peace Church.

GOING INTO HOSPITAL? If you wish to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick before going into Hospital please let us know. A visit can be arranged from Fr Anthony or Fr Marek.

CONFIRMING OUR PARISH NAME In discussion with Bishop David recently, it has been decided to firm up the name of our combined Parish by combining the two names together in a new logo. Going forward we are ‘Our Lady of Peace and St Andrew’s’. The Bishop is happy with this slight amendment as it helps in some way for people to understand that we are truly one Parish and not two separate entities. You will see the new logo appearing across the Parish in future.

PARISH OFFICE Email office.ourladyofpeace[AT] or you can telephone the Parish office on 01628 605764 and leave a message, or contact Fr Anthony on 07853 106000, email franthony.dampson[AT]

Our Lady of Peace Parish Council Chair: ppcc.olop[AT]
Our Lady of Peace Safeguarding Representative: safeguarding.olop[AT]
Our Lady of Peace Head of Finance: financechair.olop[AT]


LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT 32.5 hours per week – Required to start ASAP.
Term time + 5 days insets/holidays, 8.15am to 3.15pm Monday to Friday, STCAT L2 point 4 £18,228 actual salary. St Joseph’s Catholic High School, Shaggy Calf Lane, Slough, SL2 5HW. An application pack can be downloaded from the school website

MINI BUS DRIVER: Zero hour contract – Required to start ASAP.
As and when, during term time, STCAT SCP £16.48 per hour. St Joseph’s Catholic High School, Shaggy Calf Lane, Slough, SL2 5HW. An application pack can be downloaded from the school website

Upcoming Events

SHEKHINAH PRAYER GROUP Meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 7.00pm to 8.30pm via Zoom with Catholic teachings on different topics. Lectio Divina (Praying the Scriptures), takes place on alterative weeks. The theme for this Wednesday 29th May will be Reflections on the Gospel Mark 14:12-26 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Sunday Time B. The Speaker will be Deacon Michael.

STELLA MARIS Catholic Maritime Charity Stella Maris (formerly called Apostleship of the Sea) is very grateful for this parish’s prayer and financial support of its work on Sea Sunday last year. To report back on the use of those funds, it invites parishioners to join an online update and thank you webinar on Tuesday 28th May from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. You will hear about the impact on your generosity on the lives of seafarers, fishers, and their families over the last year. Its CEO and Chaplains will share inspiring stories of how they have helped seafarers and fishers through your support. To register for this virtual event. Please visit

COR ET LUMEN CHRISTI The next Fire and Light at Cor et Lumen Christi is on Wednesday, 29th May at 8.00pm at the Salesian High School, Chertsey KT16 9LU. For anyone who would like to share lifts we will meet at OLOP at 7.00pm.

PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM The Diocese of Northampton, on Saturday 8th June 2024, are organising a Pilgrimage to Walsingham, where Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother of God appeared in 1061, to Lady Richeldis. Our Lady appeared to her and showed her the Holy House in Nazareth where the Holy Family once lived and in which the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel occurred. She asked Lady Richeldis to build a replica of the Holy House in Walsingham. Bishop David, will be the chief Celebrant for the midday Mass at the National Shrine. The optional Holy Mile Walk will start at 3pm from the Slipper Chapel and proceed along the ancient pilgrim route to the Priory Grounds, where there will be a short service at the site of where the original Holy House was built. Our Lady of Peace are organising a coach to this event and tickets are £30 leaving from OLP at 6:45am, and Walsingham at 5:30pm. Please call Edward on 07802 753575 or Zina on 07586 545850.

WOMEN IN MINISTRY – THIRD DIOCESAN GATHERING As a woman of the diocese, you are warmly invited to a joyful day of sharing and conversation, exploring our roles, gifts, ministries, and our calling in the Church. Saturday 8th June 10am to 4pm, St Mary’s Catholic Church, Aspley Hill, Woburn Sands MK17 8NN. A light lunch is provided. Tickets are free but limited, so please book now. Select this link for more information and to book your place.

OPEN GARDENS The celebration of our late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee back in 2022, was an Open Gardens event in Taplow. It was enjoyed by many people both from within our community and beyond. This year, we are holding another Open Gardens on Saturday 8th June from 1.30pm to 6.00pm. Pick up tickets and map at St Nicolas’ Church, enjoy a stroll around the village and four very different gardens. Price for £10 including cream tea at St Nicolas Church, children under 10 (free soft drink and cake provided). Tickets available online at:

WINTERSHALL See The Life of Christ performed at Wintershall! There will be a coach to Wintershall on Sat 22nd June 2024 to see this renowned reenactment of ‘The Life of Christ’. Over the course of five and a half hours Jesus’s birth, life, death and Resurrection are portrayed by over 100 actors in this tranquil 1000 acre estate. Take a picnic lunch and chairs/rugs and be prepared to walk between Acts to the next place. The cost will be no more than £50 for adults or £30 for 3-18yr olds. Deposit of £20 is payable by the end of February to book your place. Phone Shelagh on 07941 432706 or Anne on 07740 430298 for more information or to book.

YOUTH RETREAT GOD IS CALLING Has God called me? What does that mean? What is my calling? If you have ever heard yourself asking these.questions, then you are in good company! Join us for a residential weekend of fun, discussions, activities, and prayer to explore what it means to be called. On 5th and 7th July, Age: School years 7-13, Price £80, Location: Brentwood, Essex . For more information visit:

A YOUNG ADULT TAIZE PILGRIMAGE Fr Alessandro Reno will lead a group of young people from our diocese to Taizé in August this year. They will embark on a ten-day trip from the 17 – 26 August to experience this unique and wonderfully spiritual community. The trip is open to young people aged between 15 and 35 years old (those under 18 should receive parental permission).
For more information visit

CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION LOURDES PILGRIMAGE On the Friday 23rd to Friday 30th August 2024. Catholics visit Lourdes for a variety of reasons; to connect with their faith, seek healing and spiritual renewal, spend time in prayer with our Blessed Mother and walk in the footsteps of Saint Bernadette. Pilgrims travel from around the world to take part in the processions, light candles, pray at the Grotto and bath in the water. For register your interest kindly visit the CA website: For more information, please email: chiefs[AT]

PILGRIMAGE TO NORTHERN FRANCE In preparation for the Jubilee Year within this year of prayer, Bishop David and Canon John Udris will lead a pilgrimage to Northern France. From 15-22nd October, you will spend a few days in Liseux, the home of Saint Therese before we travel onto Chartres for one night and finally three nights in Paris. We will have the opportunity to stop and pray in the Church of St Etienne de Rouvray, Rouen where Fr Jacques Hamal was murdered whilst celebrating Mass. For more information visit

PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI As part of the Jubilee Year 2025, Bishop David Oakley will lead a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. Whilst in Rome we will have the opportunity to pass through the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica, visit the other major Basilica’s and sights in the city. We will end our pilgrimage in the town of Assisi. This pilgrimage will take place from 27th March – 3rd April 2025. All are welcome and bookings open on 18th March. For more information visit

SUBMISSIONS FOR THE PARISH WEBSITE OR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER can be sent to the Parish Office. Items on paper and print are also accepted and can be given to Fr Anthony, or delivered to the Presbytery.

A PARISHIONER HAS VERY KINDLY OFFERED TO PRINT AND DELIVER COPIES OF OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN to those unable to attend Mass each week, this would only be posted through the letterbox. If you know of anyone who would like a copy delivered, please contact the Parish office on 01628 605764. Please obtain the permission of the Parishioner to provide their address.

MASS BOOKINGS Kindly drop off your intentions at the Presbytery, place it in the donation box in the Church or give it to Fr Anthony. You can still make a request for Masses by email and telephone.

PARISH ONLINE PRAYER SERVICE A dedicated email has been set up for you to send prayer requests. The email address is: prayerministry.ourladyofpeace[AT] Meanwhile, let us continue to support and pray for one another in the parish.

Parish Donations

FINANCES We are extremely grateful, not only for your financial support, but also to the volunteers who help in so many ways for the Church to remain open for Masses.

Your valued ongoing support to the Parish can be made through the following options:

  • Donating by phone: ‘Giving Tuesday’ – Telephone Donation In addition to the online donation facilities currently available, the Diocese has begun a ‘Giving Tuesday’. Each Tuesday between 10:00am and 4:00pm, you can call this number, 01604 712065, and donate to your parish.
  • Online Donation We are now using a new provider ‘Invest My Community’ who work with other Catholic Diocese, schools and charities. You can access our online giving page via the donate button on our Diocesan Website or by using the following link If you would like to use this facility to make your regular, one off donations please ensure you indicate this along with the name of your parish, and any other message detail in the ‘Public Message’ box. Please note this informationis notmade visible to the public.
  • Standing Order via donor’s own bank: You can set up a standing order for donations to your parish using either your online bank account or in branch. You can also make a one-off payment to the parish. The information required to make the donation is as follows:
    Bank: NatWest.
    Sort Code; 60-06-11.
    Account Name; 46716203. Account Name; RCDN Our Lady of Peace.
    Payment Ref: Our Lady of Peace, Slough.
  • Standing Order using the form: You can complete the standing order form for donations to your parish with the option to Gift Aid. Please indicate on this form if you are not a tax payer but would like to set up a standing order only. There are two sides/sheets to this form, it should be printed, completed, signed and returned to our Parish office, we will then forward to central offices at Bishop’s House for processing at a later date. Please remember to state which parish this standing is for i.e. ‘For the benefit of Our Lady of Peace, Slough Parish’ section at the top of the form. Banks will require 7 working days from receipt of these forms to activate the request so please ensure the start date reflects this 7 day period to ensure the S.O. can take effect.
  • There is also a donation box in Our Lady of Peace for Mass intentions, offertory, donations, etc.
  • Contactless Donations 💳 We have installed ‘Digital Collection Plate’ contactless terminals in the Churches, allowing you to donate using a contactless debit/credit card, NFC smartphone or watch. Simply enter the amount you wish to donate and hold your card (or NFC device) to the reader. You can also opt-in for Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%. If you are a UK taxpayer then donating with Gift Aid means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received.
  • Parish Donations Portal 💳 After a successful trial of the physical digital collection plate in our Churches, we are pleased to announce that a web portal is now available as a queue-free alternative. Either use the link (Gift Aid giving is available using one-time registration): or with your QR code reader mobile app, scan the code in the printed newsletter, click on the link to, and it will give you the same options available on the Digital Plate in Church. Also look out for the DONATE HERE sign with QR Code in the Church. Thank you.
    N.B. To access this service, select links titled: Parish Donations Portal.

Thank you for any help you are able to give and God bless.

News Links

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Masses & Intentions

25th May – 2nd June

Sunday Readings: Year B.
Weekday Readings: Cycle I.

Universalis – Daily Mass Readings (updates automatically).

Live streaming of Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Peace can be found on
Facebook: ourladyofpeacecatholicchurchburnham and YouTube:


  • Mass on Bank Holiday Monday, May 27th, will be at 10.00am in OLOP.
Saturday 25th May | THE MOST HOLY TRINITY
6.00pm Our Lady of Peace – Fr. David Woodward RIP (R. Group), Cardinal Ernest Simoni Int, living Martyr of Albania (R. Group)
9.30am Our Lady of Peace LS – Barbara & Bob Bryant INT (R. Group), O’Donnell Family INT (O‘Donnell), Demetrio Macri RIP (Angela Macri)

11.30am St. Andrews – Arthur K Ratna RIP (Karunaratna Family), Colleen Koeberg INT (R. Group), Valonia Rodrigues Birthday (Rodrigues Family)

8.45am Our Lady of Peace – Adoration

9.45am Our Lady of Peace – Morning Prayer

10.00am Our Lady of Peace – Maria Rawling INT (Florence), Adriana Pena-Torok Family INT (R. Group)

Tuesday 28th May
8.15am Our Lady of Peace – Adoration

9.15am Our Lady of Peace – Morning Prayer

9.30am Our Lady of Peace – Vera Mcloughlin RIP (Anna Goldberg), Ellen Sansom RIP (R. Group)

Wednesday 29th May | SAINT PAUL VI, POPE
8.15am Our Lady of Peace – Adoration

9.15am Our Lady of Peace – Morning Prayer

9.30am Our Lady of Peace – Bernie Madden INT (Kay), Margaret & Joe Haire INT (R. Group)

Thursday 30th May
8.30am St. Andrews – Adoration

9.15am St. Andrews – Morning Prayer

9.30am St. Andrews – Samar Kamal Anton RIP (R. Group)

8.15am Our Lady of Peace – Adoration

9.15am Our Lady of Peace – Morning Prayer

9.30am Our Lady of Peace – Bernadette INT (Kay), Bogna Clerlak RIP Anniversary (Ola’s Mother)

Saturday 1st June
8.45am Our Lady of Peace – Adoration

9.45am Our Lady of Peace – Morning Prayer

10.00am Our Lady of Peace – Sebastian Thekkedathu & Bellarmine Joseph RIP (Sheeba Martin)

6.00pm Our Lady of Peace – Meta & Siglinde RIP (R. Group), Cardinal Ernest Simoni Int, living Martyr of Albania (R. Group)
9.30am Our Lady of Peace LS – Lyn & Kelvin Baynes INT (R. Group), Vera Mcloughlin RIP (Walsh Family)

11.30am St. Andrews – Simplicio Antonio Rodrigues RIP Remembrance (Christina Rodrigues )

4.30pm Our Lady of Peace – Syro-Malabar Holy Qurbana

LS = Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
R. Group = Rosary Group

Liturgy Office resources:
Calendar notes for 2024 (PDF)

Our Lady of Peace Church – Lower Britwell Road, Burnham | SL2 2NL
St Andrew’s – Elmshott La/Washington Drive, Cippenham, Berks | SL1 5RE

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Parish Newsletter 26.5.2024 (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.