Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (1)

. E V E N T S . C O N G R E S S E S . F A I R S . I N C E N T I V E S . D E S T I N A T I O N S .. I N T E R N A T I O N A L E D I T I O N . Y E A R I . N U M B E R 1 . 2 0 1 3 .

I N T E R N AT I O N A L & E U R O P E A NA S S O C I AT I O N S C O N G R E S SI C C A C O M M E M O R A T E S I T S 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R YW H A T ’ S N E W I N P O R T U G A LD E S T I N A T I O N : E S T O R I L

Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (2)


Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (3)

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Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (4)


OwnerEstação Livre - Comunicaçã[emailprotected] do Sporting Clube Candalense, 14, 1º Dto Frt4400-688 Vila Nova de Gaia

DirectorRui Ochôa([emailprotected])

Editor-in-ChiefCláudia Coutinho de Sousa([emailprotected])

Marketing DirectorFilipe Silva ([emailprotected])

Graphic designNorma Design([emailprotected])

Cover photomandalaybus

TranslationPeter Ingham and Linda Pereira for L&I Communications



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This is the first Event Point published in English. Our aim is to promote Portugal as a Meetings Industry destination to the international community. Here you will be invited to get to know the potential of this country, the venues, the PCOs, the DMCs and all the other necessary services, people and novelties that made it possible for Portugal to occupy the 9th position as the most popular European meetings destination on the ICCA ranking. In the pages of this magazine you will read reports, opinions and news which will give you a perhaps surprising image of the destination - well beyond the sun and sea cliché.We at Event Point believe in the qualities of Portugal as a destination – although we are aware that perfection does not exist. We challenge you to take this first journey with us, a journey of discovery within the country that, over 500 years ago, gave birth to and propelled the process of globalisation.


Portugal: Diverse, competent and unique, by Frederico CostaInternational & European Associations CongressAssociations are building a Stronger World one day at a time!, by Linda PereiraReturn on investment when organizing events, by Elling HamsoI C C A COMMEMORATES I T S 50TH ANN I V ERSARYLisboa: Character and charmIs it easy to organise events in Portugal?WHAT ’ S NE W IN PORTUGALCompanies . CPL Meetings & EventsPortuguese sinsCOSTA DO E STOR IL : T IMEL ESS REF UGECompanies . EuropalcoCompanies . The House of EventsCompanies . AIM GroupCompanies . Hotel Estoril EdenCompanies . VIP Executive Art’sCompany and services index

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PORTUGAL : DIVERSE, COMPETENT AND UNIQUE Por t ugal ha s emer ged and con s ol ida ted i t s el f a s one o f t he leading , mo s t‑ qual i f ied and impor tan t congr e s s‑tour ism de s t ina t ion s in E ur ope and t he w or ld . In 2 01 1 , w i t h 2 2 8 mee t ings held in t he coun t r y, Por t ugal r anked 9 t h o f t he E ur opean de s t ina t ion s pr e f er r ed f or congr e s s e s and 14 t h in ter na t ional l y, w hi le t he capi ta l (L isbon) came 1 2 t h in t he w or ld r ank ing (IC C A da ta) .

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leisure facilities, the sun and the sea. All these destinations have outstanding congress centres and halls and meeting rooms adapted to every need.These features assure international promoters that a mee-ting or a conference held in our country is guaranteed suc-cess and satisfaction. Coupled with the ability to continually adapt to customer needs, these capabilities put us in the orbit of the major congresses, as the stage for events of great media projection.Proof of Portugal’s international recognition as a fine destination for international congresses is the Rotary International Convention 2013, which chose Lisbon to bring together next June more than 20,000 participants from around the world in one of the biggest events of its kind to be held in the country. This is also a demonstration of the ability of our venues and hotels to host major events.I think Portugal will continue to stand out for the qua-lity and service levels, with increasing skills and pro-fessionalism in providing internationally competitive turn-key solutions.

And I also believe that Por tugal will be your next destination. We are waiting for you and your family, your colleagues and friends. To be able to experience, in person, a modern, competitive, dynamic and welcoming countr y. Get to know at www.visitpor tugal .com and at our convention bureaux all the advantages to be gleaned from holding your congress or meeting in Por tugal .

T H E R E A R E S E V E R A L R E A S O N S F O R T H I S P R O G R E S S . Firstly, Portugal is among the top tourist destinations in the world, with tourism its main export activity - accounting for over 13% of total exports and 45% of services exports - and one of the largest contributors to employment and GDP.On the other hand, it is the world’s 20th most competitive destination. Its cultural resources, environmental sustaina-bility, tourism infrastructure and safety are well placed in the ranking of the top 20 internationally.We are a safe destination - 17th globally among 159 coun-tries (Global Peace Index, 2012) - that has organisational skills, involving dozens of companies specialising in the organisation of events. Our professionalised human resour-ces and our networking provide great responsiveness.Our fine geographical position in the Europe-Africa-America triangle and regular, direct access by air ensure fast and frequent connections from each of these continents to our top destinations.We have modern accommodation - over 600 four- and five--star hotels, many of them the result of refurbishment and the construction of new hotels - one of the world’s best and fastest land transport networks, along with a high fixed and mobile broadband coverage.Our natural and cultural offer and our hospitality are among the aspects most appreciated by our visitors, constituting a fine basis for surprising parallel programmes.Portugal has a temperate climate, unspoilt landscapes, 44 protected areas (including nature parks and reserves) and 14 UNESCO World Heritage sites scattered throu-ghout the territory.Allied to these natural and cultural attributes (tangible and intangible) is a variety of high-quality tourism entertain-ment (over 1,500 specialised companies offering diversi-fied products), major international-brand stores, excellent restaurants (11 restaurants with Michelin stars) and genuine cuisine - including the world’s best fish.In the north of the country you will find the heritage, tradi-tions and natural values, besides historic and modern Porto. Lisbon and Estoril offer vibrant urban environments, sea and golf, and gastronomy. In Madeira you will be surprised by the contact-with-nature activities, while in the Algarve Europe’s best golf destination awaits you, as do the quality


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INTERNATIONAL & EUROPEAN ASSOCIATIONS CONGRESS OUTSIDE THE UNITED KINGDOM FOR THE FIRST TIMEEstoril was the destination chosen for the first edition of the International & European Associations Congress outside the United Kingdom. In July 2012, the Portuguese destination competed with four others to organise the following year’s congress. The secret of success, according to, Linda Pereira, director of CPL Events and leading light of the candidature, was “the creation of a ‘Destination Team’, a local commi-ttee consisting of the deputy mayor of Cascais, the PCO [Professional Congress Organiser], the DMC [Destination Management Company], hotels, the venue and providers”. “The team was unisonous in its presentation, with contribu-tions by everyone, something that is unusual and clearly lent strength to the candidature”, noted Ms Pereira, who has also chaired this congress since 2012.Contributing also to the success of this bid were issues such as value for money, experience in organising associative events, the Estoril Congress Centre sustainability strategy and the fact that the candidature went beyond what was required in terms of the innovation of the parallel events, designed to streamline the programme.

“ESTORIL IS A GREAT DEST INAT ION FOR CONGRESSES”So says Damian Hutt, executive director of Association Resource, the Associations Congress promoter. He believes congress delegates will be “interested in bringing their own events to Estoril”. In a changing world, several challenges face associations. “The financial risk and support in marketing terms are key challenges”, considers Mr Hutt. The current economic crisis impacts on associations and how they organise events, though participation is still strong. “Annual conferences are under pressure in terms of cost, but participation is hol-ding up well with only single-digit percentage reductions. Conferences with webcasting are now more common for associations, but this has enlarged their scope and has not reduced physical participation. Less common, but growing, is the creation of virtual events without the physical pre-sence of the delegates and without a venue”. These and many other issues will be addressed at the International & European Associations Congress.


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ASSOCIATIONS ARE BUILDING A STRONGER WORLD ONE DAY AT A TIME!I am pr oud to be con sider ed an a s s ocia t ion ex per t . A l l m y l i f e I ha v e been a pa s siona te and en t husia s t ic member, v olun teer and s uppor ter o f a s s ocia t ion s . Ha v ing been educa ted in a s ocie t y w her e I w a s con s tan t l y to ld t ha t “ God help s t ho s e w ho help t hem s el v e s”, I hone s t l y bel iev ed t ha t w hen you ar e s ur r ounded b y l ike ‑ minded people , w ho , t hr ough common goals or pur po s e s and shar ed objec t i v e s cr ea te a communi t y and shar e is s ue s and mo t i v a te and s uppor t each o t her t hen t her e is no r ea s on f or l i f e holding you back a t an y lev el . Wor k ing w i t h a s s ocia t ion s jus t became a na t ur al ex ten sion o f t his bel ie f .

C P L M E E T I N G S & E V E N T S . C E O


© F A B R I C E Z I E G L E R

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Associations represent a major client of the meetings in-dustry and business events sector around the world and the meetings industry supports millions of jobs and billions in spending. Thus attracting their business events has become a ferocious battle with many destinations vying for the bu-siness. In a recent study in the USA it was concluded that the meetings industry was more important to the economy and employed more people than the hitherto considered major industry, the automobile sector.To work with these organizations is difficult, time consu-ming, risky and requires a skilled, professional, knowle-dgeable and multi-skilled experience. Decisions are lon-g-term and time consuming, involve a Board where each has his own agenda, have little or no seed capital and yet are highly demanding. Still interested? This is where I often lose my suppliers attention and their mind wanders away. However for me that is exactly what makes it interesting! When you work with association business events, you are producing more than a message or placing a brand - you are facilitating knowledge, development and growth. Association events produce legacies that permeate society at every level and have a multiplying effect. I have always said loud and clear to anyone who will listen that tourism does not produce meetings, but meetings produce tourism. But they produce much more and that is why my investment has been in association events.

Associations have given me business and helped raise the profile of my company. I have invested time, passion and energy in them. I have found mentors , obtained great learning and great advice and suppor t and found lifelong friends in associations. . . . and hopefully, I ’ve given something back in return, too!

I love associations because they enrichen our lives daily through volunteerism, the establishment of standards of quality and safety, specialised expertise and citizenship with communities around the world. Associations allow you access to people and ideas you would probably not have discovered without this connector community. They keep economies competitive by committing resources to life-long learning, professional development, mentoring and research. They impact our future by offering the expertise and perspectives of many to predict, prepare for and ensure progress. And above all and specially in this economic climate, they fuel the economy through indus-try and professional development, product and service innovation and facilitating domestic and international business, and attracting investment.Associations are a diverse, vibrant sector and a power-ful contributor to the world economy and are a large and passionate community with a sizable impact on the qua-lity of our lives, and a collective importance to society. In Portugal there is very little knowledge of this sector and because of tradition or cultural issues, there is a very erroneous view of associations and the role they play as well as a lack of association membership tradition. Even when membership is entered into it is passive and not very proactive or impacting. Of course in my sector, where the role of the national member in attracting events is crucial, the passivity and lack of spirit of volunteering results in our members not being well-known or having achieved notoriety within the association and so very often the bid is not given the attention it deserves. At the end of 2010 over 136,974 trade and professional associations as well as approximately 2, 374, 936 charita-ble or philanthropic organisations were legally registered. Membership associations spend far more on education and professional development than on lobbying. The ave-rage trade association in 2010 spent roughly $1.2 million on educational programming and about $66,000 on lobbying activities. Since 2001 the number of trade, professional associations and charitable organizations has increased 3.9% with an avera-ge of 300 new associations being created every year just in Europe. If we then consider that it is in an association’s DNA to meet and to educate its members, the potential number of meetings, congresses, conventions etc. is a meeting destina-tion’s dream. However here is where we wake up. Just in the USA (and it is where the best founded statistics emerge be-cause it is difficult to obtain information about other regions) Associations employed more than 1.2 million people in 2010 and generated a payroll of nearly $47 billion. With the average gross income for employees of professional associations in 2010 being $70,876 while the average gross income for em-ployees of business associations in 2010 was $65,104 (Source: BLS). Here is where they become appealing and interesting.


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RETURN ON INVESTMENT WHEN ORGANIZING EVENTSC or por a te ev en t s ar e o f ten t hough t o f a s jus t a par t o f mar ke t ing or admin co s t s . B u t t he y ar e in v e s t men t s , w e spend t he mone y becaus e w e ex pec t mor e v alue in r e t ur n , ei t her b y incr ea sing s ale s or mak ing t he or ganis a t ion mor e e f f ec t i v e .

E U R O P E A N R O I I N S T I T U T E . P A R T N E R


Every event has its own profit and loss account, if the value generated is greater than the cost, ROI is positive. ROI is the profit generated by the event as a percentage of the event cost, so it is always a percentage figure based on real money values.Even if we don’t calculate the ROI for every event, when we talk about improving event ROI, this is what we mean, because the event took place, the company makes a bigger profit.For non-profit organisations, it doesn’t

make sense to calculate a financial ROI. But it is only the financial calculation that is left out, everything else that we do to ensure that the event delivers high ROI is the same. The equivalent of profit and shareholder value in the corporate world will be the mission of the orga-nisation. The cancer association aims to reduce cancer, this is its mission, its ‘raison d’etre’. Everything the organi-sation does, including its events, must in one way or another contribute to cancer reduction.

For other non-profit organisations, such as a professional association, for example, it is often meaningful to talk about participant ROI. An engineer attends the annual congress of the engineering association, spending his company’s time and money instead of doing his job in the office, contributing to his company’s profits. Somehow, attending the congress must enable the engineer to contribute some value to his company which at least makes up for the time and money invested.

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CREAT ING VALUEThere is only one value creation me-chanism, and it applies to all kinds of meetings and events; the participants have to physically do something as a result of attending the event, some-thing which adds value to one or more of the event stakeholders. There are no exceptions to this. We have to influence, educate, inspire or em-power the participants to do something they would otherwise not have done. Thinking and feeling is not enough. What matters is what participants do when they feel or think differently. Learning is not enough. Learning on its own is a waste of time. The only thing that matters is what participants do differently when they have learned. Ask any training manager, training is was-ted unless it makes the trainee do his or her work better. Why is branding so important? Not because people shou-ld think more favourable about your brand, but because they are more likely to buy your product when they perceive your brand more favourably.This may seem like a detail, but it is ab-solutely fundamental to event success. Unless we first identify the partici-pant behaviour which is likely to have an impact on the bottom line, or the mission of a non profit organisation, most of the event budget will be wasted because we don’t really know what we are trying to achieve.

SETT ING OBJECT IVESWhen you have a complete set of de-tailed and measurable objectives, the rest is easy. When events fail to deliver maximum value, it is usually becau-se objectives were not detailed and measurable. This is just human nature. When you have a set of detailed and measurable objectives, you will focus your efforts on achieving those objec-tives and nothing else. It is critical to understand the diffe-rent types of objectives and how they relate to each other. We start by setting Impact objective, how will the event impact the bottom line or the mission of the organisation. By how much will it increase product sales, for example.Then we have to set Behaviour objecti-ves, what is it we try to make partici-pants do in order to generate an impact as a result. Compare the total cost of ownership for our product with that of the competition, for example, because if they do that correctly, our product is likely to come out on top.To make people do something, there must first be a cognitive change, conscious or subconscious, which is another way of saying that there must be a learning experience. Based on our audience research, we know why participants are not already doing what we want them to do, so we design the learning experience accordingly. Maybe they don’t compare our product

with the competition properly because they don’t know how to calculate total cost of ownership, so our learning ob-jective is that the event will teach them how to do that.

DEF INING THE R IGHT PART IC IPANTSDefining and recruiting the right par-ticipants is fundamental to success. As the only mechanism for creating value from events is to influence participant behaviour, we need to have the right people in the room. For customer events we often use the BANT criteria, they need to have the Budget, Autority to make or influence purchasing de-cisions, and the Need for our product within a reasonable Time frame. For a professional congress, the educa-tional programme is based on detailed audience research to make sure parti-cipants will get high ROI from parti-cipating. If participant needs are very different, we need parallel sessions.As a general rule, we need to identify those people who may change their behaviour and do something which has an effect on the bottom line, in the case of a corporation, or the mission of a not for profit organisation.


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I C C A C O M M E M O R AT E S I T S 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R YIn 2 01 3 t he IC C A ( In ter na t ional C ongr e s s and C on v en t ion A s s ocia t ion) commemor a te s 5 0 year s o f ac t i v i t y. No w w i t h near l y a t hous and member s , t he a s s ocia t ion r ene w s i t s chal lenge s in a changing w or ld . Mar t in S ir k , C EO o f IC C A , r e f lec t s on ho w t he indus t r y w i l l ev ol v e in t he coming year s .

The ICCA celebrates its 50th anniversary and Martin ten years as the visible face of the association. How have the challenges altered?The organisation has grown in size of course, we’ve expanded from about 600 companies and organisations to almost 1,000 in 90 countries, but I know that despite this we have been able to retain the core business culture that first attracted me to ICCA when

I first became involved as a member back in 1989. That culture is built on the open sharing of data about in-ternational association congresses which members have been involved in hosting or organising and which rotate between at least three different countries. This leads to three powerful cultural traits that influence the re-lationships between members: open-ness to share a wide range of other

knowledge and experiences; a focus on winning business; and a priority to use ICCA to connect internationally rather than with local colleagues. There have of course been numerous changes to the way we operate: our databases are now fully online and interactive, rather than updates being distributed by CD-ROM; we now have five Regional Offices instead of two; and our annual Congress is far more complex and interactive, and packed with content and business opportunities. We’ve tried to be more personalised in terms of how we design and deliver member services and benefits, we’re constantly adding in new products into the ICCA membership fee package (having strategically opted against selling each of these separately wherever possible), and like the rest of the world, we’ve embedded social media into almost all our activities.

In this half-century of history, what were the high points?I think passing the 1,000-attendee milestone for the first time at our 2011 Congress in Leipzig was a big step: it really got us thinking about how we could retain the atmosphere of a smaller, friendly meeting after moving up to a new scale, and how we could design new

I C C A . C E O


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tools and formats to ensure every single delegate gets to meet the colleagues who can be useful to connect with. Six years ago we moved into new, modern offices in Amsterdam, which has transformed how our different departments are able to collaborate – previously we had a very old-fashioned space where teams were split up and isolated. Working environ-ments matter enormously, at meetings as well as in regular offices, and our office move helped us to understand more clearly how to design better in-formal space at our meetings, to make delegates feel more comfortable and able to work more effectively. The trans-formation of our Asia-Pacific Regional Office in Kuala Lumpur into our second Global Research Centre a few years ago was a very important move. We’ve now got five researchers based here in addition to the 8-person research team in Amsterdam, and it’s only going to expand further. Basically, we have to expand our research data, both quali-tatively and quantitatively, faster than we expand ICCA’s membership, and the only way to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of data and to avoid the infamous “Garbage-in/Garbage-out” syndrome is to have trained researchers verifying and checking everything that gets added to the database. That’s ex-pensive but vital. One of our most recent moves is also one of the most significant: in September last year we opened up two new representative offices in Dubai for the Middle East and in Johannesburg covering Africa. As a genuinely global association we have to look after the needs of our members all over the world, and we know that both these regions are going to become more and more impor-tant over the coming years, even if the number of current ICCA members is not enormous. Last year our membership in Europe slipped below the 60% level for the first time ever: the trend towards faster growth outside Europe has been present for some years, but we wanted to make our commitment absolutely clear to our members.

What plans does the ICCA have for its anniversary celebration?We’re using the 50th anniversary to remind members about the historical foundations on which ICCA has been built, the consistent business philo-sophy and culture, and to showcase why individual members value their involvement, but we’re also using this anniversary to prepare the way for the next phase of our association’s evolution, which will involve greater personalisation, further technological innovations, and adding even greater value into our events and other pro-jects. It’s also a great opportunity to celebrate with our members and find out what they enjoy about ICCA, and what makes them feel positive about their membership. Associations need to nurture their members and make them feel they belong, as well as cons-tantly increasing the concrete ROI they’re offering.

How have technology and social networks changed the industry and how has the association been dealing with this new reality?Technology and social media aren’t ends in themselves, and we always remind ourselves that the act of the sharing of commercially relevant data on international association events, something that ICCA members have been doing since the 1960s, is already a business-related but social activity. The website, interactive database, and now the social media tools that are embedded in these, all need to improve that fundamental process and help members to trust one another. The other key point is that the member-to-ICCA relationship is less significant than the member-to-member rela-tionship. It is our members who are the true source of data, knowledge, and expertise, so our role is to facilitate in every way conceivable the strengthe-ning of these circles of membership trust. We’re the “super-connectors” who help to make the ICCA network truly global and multi-sectoral, rather

than the source of infallible truth. There are many technological challen-ges coming up: how to deliver brilliant mobile services to our members that match our desktop data access; how to genuinely offer 24-7-365 services, how to integrate live and online experien-ces, and how to afford all the innova-tions we’d like to introduce!

How might the coming years be?

I just wrote a magazine column talking about predictions for 2013! Even over that time frame I claimed that one of the great truths is that even the shor t‑term future is both unknowable and uncer tain, so we’d better be ready to grasp oppor tunities and get ready to dodge banana skins.But what does appear probable to me are the following: ever-increasing competition for destinations, meeting owners, suppliers, and associations; a continuing acceleration of scientific, healthcare, and technological disco-very and innovation (great news for the international association sector, whose meetings are driven by these mega-trends); continuing economic turmoil and the end of smooth growth patter-ns – I’m sure that growth will appear but it will be uneven, unpredictable and extreme (with bubbles, booms and busts); more media hypes and scares, relating to both man-made and natu-ral phenomena, and more cries from clients for the (non-existent) “safe” meeting destination; and more failed forecasts from economists and futu-rists (and association CEOs)!


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LISBOAC H A R A C T E R A N D C H A R MT he L C B w a s f ounded in 1 9 8 7 and ha s mor e t han 2 00 a s s ocia te s including ho tels , v enue s , mee t ing f aci l i t ie s and incoming agencie s . L isboa C on v en t ion B ur eau o f f er s impar t ia l ad v ice and a s sis tance to ev en t or ganizer s .


Let us up‑date you on the latest news of Lisboa!

LISBOA THEN AND NOW…Styled over 400 years by the Moors and certainly enriched by the spice trade in the golden age of its over sea connec-tions during the 15 and 16th centuries. Lisboa is a historic capital, a collection of unusual character and charm. The city is an amalgam of 1000 years of cultural influences that mingle with modern trends and life style creating intricate and spectacular contrasts. Spread across seven hills always opening a window towards the majestic Tagus river.

ATTRACTIVE FACTORS:. Lisboa is just a short flight away. 1 - 3 hours from most European cities and 5 - 8 hours from North America.. The Lisboa airport IS centrally located only 15 min transfer from city centre and 30-45 min to Cascais or Sintra. The Airport is served by all major air lines and with daily non stop con-nections to all major European cities

as well as the US, South America and Africa (more than 50 destinations).. Mild weather - our climate is never too hot in summer and lots of warm sunshine in winter.. Lisboa is amongst the most competi-tive cities for international events.. Lisboa is a friendly and tolerant city by tradition.. Lisboa is a “resort city” with a unique triangle –historic and cosmopolitan, the resort of Cascais and the romantic village of Sintra, a World Heritage Site, are just 45 minutes away.

A LISBON EXPERIENCE:. Culture/history/World heritage sites. Modernity . Entertainment and nightlife. Gastronomy & wines. Shopping. 25 golf courses . World surfing reserve . Various activities to develop within the city, the rivers, the ocean, the mountains & beach. High quality of our tourism infra-structure. Still a vibrant new destination

Our Dmc s & PCO s are a guaranty of success & an unforgettable event - Their teams of experienced, knowled-geable and creative staff guarantee the best quality/price ratio.

The Best Value for Money ‑ Quality, Variety and competitive Hotel Offer




HO T E L S 5 * 21 4.013 5.520

4 * 60 8.071 13.660

3 * 35 3.064 5.265

2 * 19 1.069 1.469

T O TA L 135 16.217 29.117



HO T E L S 5 * 37 5.635 9.661

4 * 107 12.840 23.698

3 * 110 8.490 16.200

2 * 80 3.556 6.853

1 * 8 182 351

T O TA L 342 30.703 56.763

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(Hall 2 - multifunctional flat room)















VENUES:Lisboa has a wide selection of venues available for all size of events. Choose the best one for your event, add a touch of sophistication or be simply casual, add a taste of Portuguese traditional cuisine, some animation/fado music (traditional from Lisboa – vocal and/or with Portuguese guitar). Result : a Lisbon experience!

WHAT’S NEW IN LISBOA:. New Hotels. EasyJet at terminal 2 Lisbon airport. Metro station at Lisbon Airport. Lisboa Story Centre

THE MI IS STRATEGICAL FOR LISBOA:In 2011 Lisboa reached 12th position at the International Congress and Convention Association ranking, with a total of 107 events ( just under 69.000 participants).


2000 20º 30

2001 9º 40

2002 5º 52

2003 5º 63

2004 8º 67

2005 11º 66

2006 9º 69

2007 6º 90

2008 10º 83

2009 8º 98

2010 8º 106

2011 12º 107

WE plan to continue to grow, qualify and keep our credibility as one of the BEST destinations for events.

ALE X ANDRA BALTA Z ARLisboa Convention Bureau - [emailprotected]: +351 210 312 700www.visitlisboa.comVisit Lisboa on Facebook

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I S I T E A S Y T O O R G A N I S E E V E N T S I N P O R T U G A L?Expo ‘98, held in Lisbon, was probably the turning point in the events sector in Portugal. This mega organisation demonstrated all the country’s capabilities in this area.There were several months of daily events that mobilised the city and were a school for many of today’s events professionals. This almost national goal of hosting and organising events was awarded top marks for Euro 2004, recognised as one of the best European Football Championships ever held. Mega events add up over the years, with remarkable success. The next will be in June, when Lisbon hosts the 2013 Rotary International Convention. But it’s the country’s consistency in orga-nising medium and smaller events that places Portugal among the European and World tops.The professionalism of the providers, the quality of the venues, the ease of access and the intangible aspects – not least the good weather to boot – are just some of the advantages of Portugal as a destination mentioned by inter-national clients who have already held

their events here. Pekka Saranpää was involved in organising the IUFRO Conference, held in Estoril in July 2012. His opinion about the region could not be better. “For an interna-tional conference Lisbon/ Estoril was easy to access for most of the partici-pants”, he said, and also pointed out the quality of the venue, the variety in terms of choice, and reasonable prices as positive aspects. He also highligh-ted the professionalism of the PCO (Professional Congress Organiser). “We had wonderful experiences in Lisbon”, confirms Hildegard Koch, in charge of a Wella Intercosmetic event held at the Pestana Palace in 2008. The in-terviewee highlights the “fine” weather, considering that the event took place in autumn, and the quality of the hotel and the people who worked there, as well as that of all other providers, including taxi and bus drivers. “For us it was easy to

organise the event since the agency was really great ... helping us in every subject”. “Wonderful people,” adds Koch. Arabelle Fourgo went through more than one experience in Portugal. She was in Lisbon for the UEIL Annual Congress held in October 2012. This is the most important event in the calendar of the European lubricants industry. And she was also involved in organising an event in Porto. “On both occasions the weather was great, creating a certain ‘holiday’ atmosphere among our participants. And I think that’s an important part of the success of our events”, Ms Fourgo points out. She admits she had no problem in or-ganising these events, highlighting the support of the local providers. However, she regrets that when working with a DMC VAT is not refundable. The annual ECBHM meeting was held in July last year in Lisbon. Koos Verhoeff was one of the personalities of one of the satellite events. “It was a very good experience to have an event in Portugal. The facilities were very good and Lisbon is a very nice city with a good atmosphere”. The support we have had from local providers is asses-sed as “perfect” by Koos Verhoeff.Jeroen Janssens was involved in the organisation of a congress in Porto, Resuscitation 2010. The event was “excellent”, but not everyone found it easy to reach the destination, since the number of flights is more limi-ted. Still, Mr Janssens has no doubts:



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“I could recommend all societies to organise a congress in Porto”. For Christian Seidenstuecker, of the Joke Event, “Portugal offers a lot of dif-ferent destinations, from the modern city of Lisbon to breathtaking seaside with great roads for test drives. There is tradition and innovation close to each other. The weather conditions are quite Also ideal, especially for car launches with test drives”. He finds that the country has good infrastructure and various interesting venues for events, over and above the historical sites. And he evaluates the support of the local providers as follows: “The professional level is high and has improved signifi-cantly over the last decade”.

“TODAY I CANNOT THINK OF LISBON WITHOUT THINKING OF ESTORIL”Estoril is a favourite destination for Ross MacLennan, of Wild Highlander, a company that in the past five years has organised several events in Portugal. “We feel that Lisbon has improved a lot since the rehabilitation of the coastal zone. To work, especially in Lisbon, it is important to have a good contact, one who can open doors for us, who can find the most ori-ginal alternatives, who can give us honest advice”, said Mr MacLennan, stressing that this is a mandatory requirement for

success. The client points out that it is important to realise that there are three different destinations: Lisbon, Porto and the South. “They are different and provi-de different opportunities. My favourite destination of all is Lisbon, or rather Estoril is my favourite destination”, says Ross MacLennan. “Today I cannot think of Lisbon without thinking of Estoril. It’s near the airport and there’s the sea front that contrasts interestingly with the city centre”. For the head of Wild Highlander, the best of working in Portugal is “having the chance to be able to go to Santini’s and eat a wonderful ice cream” (laughter). The worst is the traffic.

“I ’m tempted to say that we get the quality of providers we deserve. I f we do not establish the right relationships or do not invest time, we run the risk of ending up with the wrong provider”, Ross admits .He seems to have found the right DMC in Portugal. “With the agency with which I work I am sure that the bus is on time where I need it. And it is worth paying to have this attention to detail”.

“FIVE MINUTES AFTER ARRIVING I WAS ALREADY ENCHANTED”Magdalena Szczypierowska, executive director of the incentives department of the MWM Group, based in Warsaw, is in love with Portugal. She even aims to move here soon. She may not, the-refore, be the most neutral of obser-vers, but even so this Polish vision of the country is still of interest. “The first time I went to Portugal I visited Madeira and I fell in love... with the people, the food, the landscapes, the traditions”. The next destination was mainland Portugal, Lisbon. “Five minutes after arriving I was already en-chanted”, she admits, smiling. And it is this passion for the country that makes her want to get to know it more and more. She’s even learning Portuguese. The best thing about working in Portugal, she asserts, is the readiness of the partners to solve problems. Magdalena also mentions the diver-sity of the country and of the offer. In terms of prices, she has no doubt that, in comparison with Spain, Portugal is a little more expensive, but the quality is also better, “even though Spain is a great destination for incentives”. One thing is sure, Portugal may not be a perfect destination, but it doesn’t leave clients indifferent.



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GR A H A M ’ S P OR T L ODGE H A S NE W V E NUE S F OR E V E N T SGraham’s Port Lodge has recently improved its offer in terms of events with the opening of the Vinum Restaurant & Winebar. With Porto as the backdrop, the restaurant is a partnership between the Symington family, Port wine producers dating back 130 years, and the Basque Sagardi family. The head chef is Celme Teixeira. The main room of the restaurant is located in a nineteenth century wine cellar, with a glass wall giving on to thousands of barrels of port wine. From the Atrium there are fine views over the Douro River, the D. Luís Bridge and the old houses of Porto.

BragaCongress aims to promote the city of Braga, in nor-thern Portugal, as a destination for conferences, events, trade shows and meetings. The BragaCongress.com project brings together the entire offer, both public and private, available in Braga in this segment, promoting it nationally and interna-tionally through its website (www.bragacongress.com), bro-chures, presentations at tourism fairs and fam trips allowing a technical visit by tour operators and advertising inserts.BragaCongress involves the sector’s major players in the

region, ranging from venues to public entities, and even event organisers.“For a medium-sized city like Braga, noted for its rich heritage dating back two millennia, attracting conferences and events is strategic, a means of promotion and of generation of wealth and new business”, in the words of the project promoters, who add that business tourism is an important segment for the affirmation of a region and a major lever in economic terms, particularly in promoting the region and attracting tourists.

The inner room seats 80, while the Atrium can accommodate 50. There are also two private rooms, each seating 14, and additional rooms suitable for conferences, meetings, workshops or other events .

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W H A T ’ S N E W I N P O R T U G A L

FREEPORT CONGRE S S CEN T REA NEW VENUE FOR EVENTSThe Freeport Congress Centre (CCF) is now the largest congress centre in Portugal offering 20 meeting rooms and auditoriums, with seating capacities ranging from 96 to 800. The flexibility of the spaces and the multipurpose hall makes this venue the choice for different types of events.The Multipurpose Hall is the most versatile space at the Congress Centre. Its special characteristics mean that it can be transformed to accommodate dinners, conferences or exhibitions with direct access to the main auditoriums.

The Exhibition Centre is a multifaceted space. With an approximate gross area of 500 square metres it’s ideal to host an exhibition. The CCF is located in an area next to the Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve, five minutes from the Vasco da Gama Bridge and 20 minutes from Lisbon International Airport and “Parque das Nações”. The surrounding shopping area has a vast selection of boutiques. Outdoor and indoor parking for 2,475 cars.

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W H A T ’ S N E W I N P O R T U G A L

NE W HO T E L S C OMP L E ME N T T HE C OUN T R Y ’ S OF F E RThe Sana Group was the most active with regard to the opening of new hotels in the country. In Lisbon alone two new hotels were added, Sana by Myriad and Epic Sana. The former is set in a noble area of Lisbon, Parque das Nações, close to two of the capital’s main venues: FIL (Lisbon International Fair) and the Atlântico Pavilion. Besides

its 186 rooms, the Myriad has the Myriad Crystal Center for meetings and events. This 1500m2 facility comprises a number of meeting rooms. The Epic Sana is centrally located in town, within walking distance of Marquês de Pombal and Avenida da Liberdade. With its 311 rooms, it falls within both the leisure segment and the events segment as it

has 13 meeting rooms. This group also opened an hotel in the area of Caldas da Rainha, in central Portugal, a four star hotel with 80 rooms and two meeting rooms. Back in Lisbon, The Beautique Hotel Figueira, located at Praça da Figueira, and the Olissipo Saldanha, lo-cated in the square that bears its name, have also been inaugurated.

It is one of the newest areas of the Vila Nova de Gaia riverside, desig-ned to celebrate Port Wine culture. Combining tradition and contempo-raneity, Espaço Porto Cruz is a place where information, displays and leisure come together, offering expe-riences based on Port Wine, often in conjunction with artistic creations in

various fields, from fashion to food. Besides the cultural offering, the venue has a small 30-seat auditorium, a room where chocolates and cheeses can be tasted in harmony with the Port, suitable for small groups, where dinners can be served for up to 19. For larger dinner parties, the Castro Gaia restaurant, under the guidance of

Chef Miguel Castro Silva, has an ex-quisite menu. Crowning the building is the Terrace Lounge 360º, with its magnificent view over Porto and Gaia.Everywhere there are multi-touch ta-bles where visitors can discover which Port, “MyPortoCruz”, is best suited to their taste, in keeping with the aro-mas, flavours, sounds and moments.

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“WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT ASSOCIATIONS”C PL Mee t ings & Ev en t s ha s a t r ack r ecor d o f 3 0 year s in t he Mee t ings Indus t r y and ha s or ganis ed mee t ings and ev en t s in ov er 8 3 di f f er en t de s t ina t ion s . A n impr e s si v e cal l ing car d indeed! In addi t ion to t he s er v ice s i t pr ov ide s , w ha t t he c l ien t f inds and per mea te s t his compan y is an ab s olu te dedica t ion and commi t men t to t he s ec tor.

C O M P A N I E S . C P L M E E T I N G S & E V E N T S

“We are also committed to education for the industry and the establishment of international standards worldwide. This gives us an unparalleled insight into how the markets work internatio-nally. What we provide is know-how and expertise. In addition to all the required services we also have in-hou-se expertise on market and business development, a dedicated sponsorship and fundraising department, edu-cation & professional development, expertise in public affairs, marketing & communications including a social media strategy and implementation which can help build brands and raise awareness of the association, a legal department as well as creative & IT services”, stresses Linda Pereira, from CPL Meetings & Events. “Our longstanding expertise enables us to offer a wide range of services from strategy, creativity and execution in association management (AMC), to Congress and Exhibition (PCO), live communication, meetings, events and incentives as well as performance

development programmes”, she says. Everything is tailor-made. “We are passionate about associations and truly commit to fulfilling their ambitions”, adds Linda Pereira. CPL Meetings & Events believes in global alliances and local supplier knowledge as the key to delivering results that truly benefit clients. These local partners are care-fully selected to reflect the mission and values of the company.CPL Meetings & Events is justly proud of its “rate of repeat business which is very unusual for the market, with some clients having worked with us for over 19 years”, but Linda Pereira is also well aware that the business of the past is dead. “A PCO is expected to partner, share the risk, create the budget, raise the funding, etc. We have moved on from suppliers to business partners. CPL Meetings & Events has not found this to be a novelty as that is the way we have always viewed the profession. We were just ahead of our time.”When she looks at Portugal as a desti-nation, Linda Pereira likes to remind

everyone that the country “is more than its beauty and its gastronomy and its great hotels. Portugal has some of the best universities in the world, some of the greatest scientists, the most innovative creative pro-fessions, some of the smartest com-panies....what is there not to like?”At the time of print, Linda Pereira has just been appointed Coordinator of the Masters Degree in Cultural Tourism at the Instituto de Novas Profissões. A recognition of her commitment to pro-moting Portuguese Culture, Heritage and Knowledge Economy.

CPL MEE T INGS & E VENTSRua das Calçadas - Vivenda Pereira, 1º Pai do Vento2755-277 CascaisPortugalPhone: +351 214 003 540Email: [emailprotected]

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CUSTARD CREAM MILLEFEUILLESI t’s one o f t he mo s t emblema t ic Por t ugue s e s w ee t s , r ein v en ted b y one o f t he coun t r y’s mo s t pr e s t igious che f s , Jo s é Av i l le z . Tr y, and indulge .

© N U N O C O R R E I A

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Considered one of the great Portuguese chefs, José Avillez stands out becau-se of his enterprising spirit and his willingness to go one step further. At the moment he has three restaurants in Lisbon, which, while offering diffe-rent culinary experiences, all express his enormous passion for cooking. At his Belcanto restaurant, awarded a Michelin star within a year of opening, one can enjoy new Portuguese cuisine in a sophisticated atmosphere that still provides some of the former romance of the Chiado district. This is the style that truly defines José Avillez and expresses the course of his creativity. While O Cantinho do Avillez, one of the city’s most sought after meeting points, is a very relaxed and comforta-ble restaurant. Here one can sample a new style of Portuguese cuisine, clearly influenced by his travels. And Pizzaria Lisboa is the fulfilling of an old dream. Since he was young José Avillez had dreamed of opening a pizzeria, perhaps because he was fascinated by how pizza has travelled around the world, or perhaps because he adores the fun, family atmosphere of piz-zerias, or perhaps because he loves a challenge and, very probably, for all these reasons.


For the pastry:200 g high-quality puff pastry

For the cream:1 l milk200 g egg yolks150 g sugar50 g cornstarch50 g flour1 lemon peel

For the cinnamon ice cream:1 l of milk0.5 l cream50 g trimoline or inverted-sugar syrup250 g egg yolks200 g sugar10 g of ice-cream stabiliser1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Other:Demerara sugar to tasteCinnamon powder to tasteIcing sugar to taste


For the pastry:Roll out the pastry with a rolling pin, prick it lightly with a fork and place it between two baking sheets. Bake at 250°C for 15 minutes. Leave to cool and cut into uniform rectangles. Set aside.

For the cream:In a saucepan, boil the milk with the lemon peel. Let it infuse for 10 minu-tes. Set aside.Thoroughly mix the eggs with the flour and add the milk slowly, stirring continuously. Heat once again until the desired consistency is obtained. Cover with cling film to avoid drying.Set aside.

For the cinnamon ice cream:Mix the egg yolks with the sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.In a bowl. Add the remaining ingre-dients and then the egg-yolk prepara-tion. Place in the ice cream maker until it reaches the desired consistency.

Finalisation:With the help of a pastry bag, put a thick layer of the cream on each puff-pastry rectangle. For each person, stand three puff-pastry rectangles on top of each cove-red with the cream to obtain three layers.Warm slightly in the oven. Sprinkle the top with Demerara sugar and burn with a blowtorch. Sprinkle with cin-namon and icing sugar and serve with the cinnamon ice cream.



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COSTA DO ESTORILT I M E L E S S R E F U G E W hen ta lk ing abou t Por t ugue s e de s t ina t ion s , w ha t come s to mind ar e a t t r ibu te s s uch a s t he w ea t her, t he s a f e t y, t he f ood , t he her i tage , bu t t her e is a char ac ter is t ic t ha t appl ie s to E s tor i l mor e t han an y o t her: s us tainabi l i t y.

From the sustainability viewpoint the Estoril Congress Centre is the beacon that lights the way and can mobilise the region’s movers and shakers in the common goal: to organise more sustainable events with a lesser impact on the environment and for future generations. And it has been successful in making its mark internationally, even as a good-practice case study. Its standing as a sustainable desti-nation is a strategic asset in attracting international events, so important to the destination. A destination, moreover, that has huge potential for events and incentives, is just 30 minutes from Lisbon airport and has sea, mountains, cultu-re, sports, bars, restaurants, good hotels and venues.

MODERNIT Y AND TRADIT IONThe Estoril Coast brings together modernity and a heri-tage almost unparalleled in our country. Instantly, Sintra comes to mind, a World Heritage Site, a unique, unforge-ttable place that invites you to enter a romantic universe of fairy tales, castles and palaces, princes and princesses. The landscape, bucolic and harmonious, takes your breath away, as if the green takes on a special hue, a hue of there and nowhere else. Cape Roca is another special place, not least because it is the westernmost point of mainland Europe. A little further north stands the Convent of Mafra, world famous thanks to the book by José Saramago Baltasar and Blimunda. Now Oeiras is a thriving municipality in

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constant evolution with an ongoing focus on events, home of Optimus Alive, the music festival that is all the rage. And Cascais offers cheerful, relaxed bustle, with good restau-rants, bars, hotels, shops, a marina, besides, of course, the beaches with their calm and crystal-clear water. The region is widely known for its very good conditions for sports such as surfing, bodyboarding, windsurfing, sai-ling, and so many of the these sports’ European and World Championships take place along the Estoril Coast. Equestrian sports and tennis are also relevant here, as are motor sports, with the Estoril Autodrome hosting several competitions every year. The potential for adventure sports is also enor-mous, and there are several companies actively engaged in this field in the region. And, of course, golf lovers will find an ample choice of golf courses, some of the country’s best. Food and wine are always good reasons to choose Portugal as a destination for leisure or business. Truly typical in this region are the Negrais suckling pig, the Mercês-style pork, and the sweets such as Travesseiros, the Sintra Queijadas or the Fofos de Belas. Here, too, there’s fine fish to be eaten. In terms of wines the Colares area is outstanding.

ARMS W IDE OPEN TO THE WORLDEstoril’s international vocation isn’t new. During the Second World War the Portuguese Riviera was, for example, an espio-nage and diplomacy centre for several of the warring powers. The country’s neutrality caused many kings and aristocrats to seek the region as their place of exile. The atmosphere of peace and security, along with the mild climate, the beaches, the luxury hotels and the casino charmed crowned heads, writers, actors and many other foreigners, who saw in Estoril an Eden in a Europe put to the sword. James Bond was born during a stay by Ian Fleming in the region, while the famous Casino Royale is neither more nor less than the Estoril Casino, still the show-piece of this destination.


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28 C O M P A N I E S . E U R O P A L C O

“ O U R C U S T O M E R S A R E O U R I N E X H A U S T I B L E E N E R G Y ”E ur opalco is a global compan y engaged in equipmen t‑r en tal f or ev en t s and sho w s t ha t ha s r ev olu t ionis ed ev en t s in Por t ugal w i t h i t s pa s sion f or innov a t ion and ongoing dev elopmen t . Each ev en t “ is unique” and t her e f or e cal ls f or a s er v ice a t t he f or e f r on t o f t r ends t ha t d ic ta te t he cur r en t and f u t ur e s ta te o f t he ar t .Europalco offers a wide range of products, services and solutions for any type of event or show, from the smallest to the biggest and most com-plex. In 2012 alone it organised over 1,400 events in Portugal and abroad and travelled more than half a million kilometres. The company is extremely demanding in the matter of quality, both of the products in which it inves-ts as well as in the final result of the events it organises.Every year we invest around 1 million euros in new solutions.Europalco owns more than two thousand products ranging from audio-visual equipment, automatic barriers, deco-ration, structures, fragrances, textile

printing and cutting, furniture, stages and stage sets, dance floors and flooring, tents, tension fabrics and its own fabric workshop. It has 17,000m2 of infrastruc-ture and a fleet of 18 vehicles to respond to the production of any type of event.It also has the best tools to help cus-tomers organise and plan the event through the use of 3D design. By registering on the Europalco website, customers have access to calculation tools, online quotes, data on venues for national events and a 2D planning system called Space Planner.Europalco has a staff of 60, “highly qualified professionals, with access to the latest technology who operate under the aegis of quality”.

“With its effective management of human and material resources”, its managers say, “the company takes pride in ensuring employee satisfaction and in contributing to the development of the community of which it forms part.”


HE AD OF F IC E CONTAC TSEstrada da Ericeira, 112 e 112A - Ral 2710-453 SintraPortugalPhone: +351 219 605 520Fax: +351 219 605 529Email: [emailprotected]

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29C O M P A N I E S . T H E H O U S E O F E V E N T S

“YOU’RE A GOOD MAN” A pa s sion f or or ganis ing ev en t s , in ter e s t in p s ycholog y and a mind open to t he ou t s ide w or ld ha v e f or med par t , f r om an ear l y age , o f t he DN A , t he per s onal i t y and t he educa t ion o f Pedr o C ar do s o , d ir ec tor o f T he Hous e o f Ev en t s ( T HE) . W hi le o t her k ids w er e pla y ing s occer in t he 7 0 s , he w a s a lr ead y coaching mini ‑ ba ske t bal l team s , r a is ing f unds and or ganis ing ja z z and r ock concer t s and f e s t i v als . T HE w a s t hus mor e or le s s w r i t ten in t he s tar s .

These days the challenge of organising events is far more complex, but the company has always been successful in working international markets and in selecting clients and the more at-tractive types of events. “We like bold clients who join us in projects often involving risks, seeking innovation”, Pedro Cardoso points out. “We are true architects of projects, often authen-tic coaches of our clients, constantly engaged in the task of motivating, shaking, stimulating, challenging”. The greatest compliment Pedro Cardoso received from a client was a “you’re a good man,” said about the solution of a problem, which, at heart, embodies the trust, the transparency and the demands that he puts into everything he does.The relationship between a professio-nal conference organiser (PCO) and the client has changed significantly in recent years. For a naturally more au-tonomous and independent client who has greater access to information, a PCO is required to provide added value which goes far beyond what is cur-rently available. Therefore the cons-tant aim of the THE is exactly this: to

pursue efficiency, to anticipate trends, to find new formats, to implement concepts such as sustainability, corpo-rative social responsibility, adoption of best market practices.Although it organises events arou-nd the country, Porto and North of Portugal are clearly the passion of this team. “Porto has undergone a fantastic transformation in recent decades and despite not having all the state-of-the--art infrastructure it deserves, it offers unique venues and professionalised services, response capacity to host 90% of the events that take place in the world”, says Pedro Cardoso.“But Porto is not for every client”. There’s nothing pretentious about the claim; it’s the result of thirty years of working in the destination. “The clients I’ve know that most appreciated Porto are generally well-travelled people, curious, edu-cated, sociable, with a low-profile lifestyle, less f lashy, who enjoy the simple, good and authentic things of life, our cultural heritage, hospi-tality, atmosphere, good wine, fresh fish, and the new paradigm of lu-xury: space, time and tranquillity”.

The challenge is to f ind this market and translate perceptions into reality, creating unique experiences. Of the company’s por t folio the highlight is the organisation of the biggest event held in Por to, the Spineweek World Congress, a week filled with initiatives for three thousand people, involving logistics unparalleled in the city.

THE HOUSE OF E V ENTSRua de Vieira Portuense, 644050-624 PortoPortugalPhone: +351 228 348 940Email: [emailprotected]

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30 C O M P A N I E S . A I M G R O U P

AIM GROUP: WORLDWIDE KNOW‑HOW AND LOCAL EXPERTISEThe A IM International Group is a market leader in congress and event organisation .A family business, founded in Rome 50 years ago, the company soon increased its scope of activity to other Italian cities. The next step was the expansion to various European capitals including Lisbon in 1996. More recently AIM opened an Office in New York. Today AIM has 14 offices, 400 staff and 28 nationalities and 18 languages.As a multinational, AIM maintains its character and very identifiable DNA. Mónica Freire, director of the Congress department underlines the “strategic vision of providing services in various areas which allows us to manage “key-in-hand” projects. “AIM Group bases its identity on the mote Worldwide Know-How and Local Expertise - its global action is always allied to the local experience of its teams based in each destination” says Mónica.AIM Portugal works MI segments: Congress & Association Management, Corporate Events and DMC services. As a PCO, the Lisbon Office works with the Portuguese market, with Societies and Associations headquartered in Portugal, as well as with the interna-tional market with a view to attracting congresses to Portugal. AIM also or-ganises congresses in other countries. “Project management is from A to Z”, as explained by Mónica Freire, responsible for the congress department. “Boasting our own in-house operative system, shared by the group, we carry out a glo-bal and integrated management of the congress. From registration, to accom-modation bookings and abstract sub-mission and assessment are managed

online via a platform customized to each congress.” Financial management is also undertaken by AIM. “We can also manage all the services related to venue management, contracting the various suppliers, the social program-me, onsite secretariat, as well as the exhibition and exhibitor management and sponsorship raising, crucial for the financial viability of a congress.” AIM can also take full responsibility for accommodation management or the social programme.The corporate segment and the DMC services are regulated by the same tai-lor-made attitude, be it in the proposal production, or in event organisation. AIM Portugal produces events for companies from a variety of sectors and activities, from pharmaceutical to automobile to financial and IT. “We must adapt to the reality and needs of the client with the characteristics and possibilities proffered by the destination”, says Pedro Pereira, responsible for the Corporate Department. For these clients AIM produces and orga-nises meetings product launches, comme-morative events, incentives, team-building or outdoor activities, among others.

PORTUGAL : E XCELLENT CONDIT IONS FOR BUSINESS TOURISMPedro Pereira believes that Portugal’s geographical situation should be viewed as an added value. “We have

unbeatable weather in comparison to the rest of Europe and thousands of years of traditions and historic wealth, a rich gastronomy, and all those who try it want to repeat. We are in fact very hospitable, our services are of an extremely high professional level in our field which always amazes those who experience it for the first time”. In addition the flight connections have increasingly improved and infras-tructure is very good. “It is curious, or maybe not, that the vast majority of those who visit us for reasons of busi-ness tourism later return with family, this of course being the best proof of everything I have just said”, says the director of the corporate department.Mónica Freire, from the congress de-partment stresses that Lisbon and Porto are the most competitive destinations. “Lisboa continues to be a relatively new destination, with various features of attractiveness for a mid-sized congress (up to 6,000-8,000 participants). Porto on the other hand, has a very strong image, a unique identity, with historical and design venues for the organisation of congresses, and an increasingly growing and diversified hotel structure, a fundamental requisite for the attrac-tion of congresses to this city”.

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31C O M P A N I E S . A I M G R O U P


THREE QUEST IONS FOR MÓNICA FRE IRE AND PEDRO PERE IRAWhat distinguishes your offer from others?

Mónica Freire: When a association seeks us out it does not expect to find only a solid and efficient service provider, but rather a partner. The capacity to take that

extra step in the relationship with the client, making us an extension of their team, is precisely what distinguishes us from the other players. At AIM Group we

offer global know-how transforming local expertise, or rather we treat each client as unique and not standardized, and analyse their needs and their objectives,

produce a plan and propose solutions.

Pedro Pereira: We truly believe that events are forms of communication. Each event represents an investment which expects return. Only an in-depth know-

ledge of the nature of the event (our initial approach to a new Client/event) will allow us to mould the service so that the investment makes sense in the initial

value for money analysis. With the addition that everything, really everything is tailor made. Our international know-how and local expertise is put into action

and, with more or less creativity, much precision and method and enormous flexibility, we help to spread our client’s message.

What has changed most over the last years in the role of the PCO and the event manager?

Mónica Freire: On one hand, associations which require a PCO are increasingly aware and knowledgeable of the market. Many of them, especially at an inter-

national level, have a few professionals from the industry on their staff. They are looking for the ideal partner for their congress: a PCO with a strong presence

in the destination, with a solid structure and experience and with a diverse network of suppliers and trust which guarantees a tranquil management of the

scientific meeting. On the other hand, we have found that other clients have other concerns: in addition to the standard request for PCO services they also re-

quire a consultancy service or even a partner to share the financial risk of their congress. The PCO today has to be prepared to clarify, orient and offer solutions

as diverse as event promotion and marketing via social media, legal and fiscal consultancy or the direct search for sponsors, just to name a few examples. The

PCO today should be prepared to accept the financial risk of certain projects.

Pedro Pereira: In times gone by the local agents took advantage of, among other factors, a privileged position of contacts at the level of the local reality.

Nowadays, with globalisation and development of communication technologies, the added value of our position has become above all, our complicity with the

local environment, the suppliers, the profound knowledge of the destination, the culture, the people, the habits, what should not even count and what makes

it worth it. On the other hand, the demands of those who visit the destination is (fortunately) increasingly greater. It is up to us to professionally manage, to

personalise, the whole chain. To manage expectations well, to advise on the best, to be highly methodical, always protecting the good name of both parties

involved – the client and the destination!

Which is the best compliment one can hear from a client?

Mónica Freire: For a PCO each participant is a client! Aware that you cannot please everyone, the feedback from the participants onsite is essential to measure

the success of the organisation. For the association, the PCO services are measured on the basis of the overall success of the meeting: the number of parti-

cipants registered, industry participation, a successful financial result, etc. When a congress is successful, the client recognizes the efforts and dedication

provided by the PCO (which often results from various years of involvement in a Project), this is the greatest compliment one can receive.

Pedro Pereira: That the same client comes back two months later with another event! There are many ways to recognize the potential of a destination and the Professional level

which can be achieved, be it emotions, surpassing expectations or sensations lived, but I truly believe that the best way is to say “See you soon”...with a smile on their face.

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A N E D E N AT T H E G AT E W AY T O T H E C A P I TA L !T he s t unning v ie w o f t he s ea and t he coa s t is a t f i r s t s igh t t he v is i t ing car d o f t his Ho tel , loca ted be t w een E s tor i l and C a s cais , jus t 2 0 minu te s f r om L isbon . With its 162 rooms, soundproofed and equipped with air-conditioning, TV, telephone, safe, full bathroom, kitchenette and furnished balcony, the HOTEL ESTORIL EDEN is able to respond with quality and efficiency to the requirements of various segments of tourism, from leisure to business. To host events, this Hotel has three meeting rooms with a seating capacity of up to 220, depending on the layout required. It also has several rooms (Syndicate Rooms) that can be converted into small rooms for up to 15 people. The penthouse suites, too, can be prepared for small meetings of up to 20. All these rooms have natural daylight and are provided with audiovisual equipment.The Hotel also has a Panoramic Restaurant and Bar, a Pool-side Bar, a Disco Bar, Heated Indoor Pool, Outdoor Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Centre, Health Club with Sauna and Massage, Private Garage and outdoor parking facilities.All this in a region with a varied cultural and leisure offering in one of the coun-try’s most beautiful regions in terms of nature.


HOTEL E STOR IL EDENAv. de Sabóia, 209Monte Estoril2769-502 EstorilPortugalPhone: +351 214 667 600Fax: +351 214 667 601Email: [emailprotected]

C O M P A N I E S . H O T E L E S T O R I L E D E N

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W W W . E V E N T P O I N T . C O M . P T

C O M P A N I E S . V I P E X E C U T I V E A R T ’ S

V I P E X E C U T I V E A R T ’ SYour home… a w a y f r om home!

The Vip Executive Art’s, one of the most modern hotels of Lisbon, is located at the Parque das Nações in the heart of the new Lisbon, 6 km away from the Lisbon International Airport. At this stylish Portuguese hotel one may find a space that combines de-sign and comfort just a few steps away from the Lisbon International Exhibition Center (FIL), the Lisbon Casino, the Atlantic Pavilion (Convention Centre and Concert Hall) The Vasco da Gama Shopping Center, The Lisbon Oceanarium, the Underground and Train Station and lots of restaurants and bars.This four stars hotel with 300 rooms

(including 11 suites) is distinguished for its hospitality and excellent service. Each of the rooms have been furnished to the highest possible standard and are equipped with a range of modern amenities designed to cater for either business or leisure guests. The Vip Executive Art’s Hotel offers excellent conference facilities. It has 8 meeting rooms, most of them with natural sunlight, and capacity up to 300 people making the Vip Executive Art’s an ideal hotel for all your busi-ness and conference needs. The hotel also offers an Auditorium with a ca-pacity of 165 people and completes its offer with all needed for the making

of your special event.Thanks to the combination of exce-llent service, accommodation and a great location, guests staying at Vip Executive Arts are sure to have a plea-sant and memorable experience.

“We are expecting you. Come and enjoy!”V IP E X ECUT I V E ART ’ SAv. D. João II, Lote 1.181998-028 LisboaPortugalPhone: +351 210 020 400Email: [emailprotected]

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BR AG A CONGRE SS | BR A G AIN F O@BR A G A C ONGRE S S . C OM | W W W . BR A G A C ONGRE S S . C OMThe BragaCongress.com project brings together the entire offer, both public and private, available in Braga in this segment, promoting it nationally and internationally.

E STOR I L & S IN TR A CONVENT ION BURE AU | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 6 8 1 6 7 | G E R A L@ E S T O R I L M E E T I N G S . C O M | W W W . E S T O R I L M E E T I N G S . C O MApart from nature, heritage, cultural and sport events, the Estoril region has various types of facilities that can host the most varied activities and promote the most diverse events.

TUR ISMO DE L I SBOA V I S I TORS & CONVENT ION BURE AU | L I S B O A + 3 5 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 7 0 0 | AT L@V I S I T L I S B O A . C O M | W W W .V I S I T L I S B O A . C O MThe MI is strategical for Lisboa. In 2011 Lisboa reached 12th position at the International Congress and Convention Association ranking, with a total of 107 events ( just under 69.000 participants). We plan to continue to grow, qualify and keep our credibility as one of the BEST destinations for events.

ALGARVE CONVENT ION BURE AU | FA R O+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 8 0 0 4 1 7 | L C O E L H O @ATA L G A R V E . P T | W W W . A L G A R V E C O N V E N T I O N . C O M

A SSOC I AÇÃO DE TUR I SMO DOS AÇORES | P ON TA D E L G A D A + 3 5 1 2 9 6 2 8 8 0 8 2 | T U R I S M O A C O R E S@V I S I TA Z O R E S .T R AV E L | W W W .V I S I TA Z O R E S . C O M

PORTO CONVENT ION BURE AU | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 3 3 2 6 7 5 1 | P O R T O C V B @ P O R T O C V B . C O M | W W W . P O R T O C V B . C O M

T UR I SMO DA MADE IR A | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 2 1 1 9 0 0 | I N F O . S R T@ G O V - M A D E I R A . P T | W W W .V I S I T M A D E I R A . P T

T UR I SMO DA SERRA DA E STREL A | C O V I L H Ã+ 3 5 1 2 7 5 3 1 9 5 6 0 | I N F O @T U R I S M O S E R R A D A E S T R E L A . P T | W W W . R T- S E R R A D A E S T R E L A . P T

T UR I SMO DO A L ENTE JO | B E J A+ 3 5 1 2 8 4 3 1 3 5 4 0 | G E R A L@T U R I S M O D O A L E N T E J O - E R T . P T | W W W .V I S I TA L E N T E J O . P T

T UR I SMO DO CENTRO DE PORTUGAL | AV E I R O+ 3 5 1 2 3 4 4 2 0 7 6 0 | G E R A L@T U R I S M O D O C E N T R O . P T | W W W .T U R I S M O D O C E N T R O . P T



A IM | L I S B O A + 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 0 4 0 | F : + 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 0 5 0 | L I S B O N @A I M G R O U P. E U | W W W . A I M G R O U P. E U / L I S B O NAIM Group - Lisbon Office. A leading multinational company, also present in Portugal, specialized in Corporate Events and Congresses. International know-how, local expertise.

E VENTS BY T LC | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 0 6 0 | P O R T U G A L@ E V E N T S B Y T L C . C O M | W W W . E V E N T S B Y T L C . C O MFor 10 years events by tlc have been delivering award winning solutions. Our team of multilingual specialists deliver tailored event and incentive travel programmes with passion and care through the entire process with innovative ideas and expert organisation, helping to deliver winning events either in Portugal and Brazil.

F ORUM D ’ I DE I A S , P CO & DMC | V I L A NO G UE I R A D E A Z E I TÃ O+ 3 5 1 2 1 2 1 8 9 3 9 3 | I N F O @ F O R U M D I D E I A S . C O M | W W W . F O R U M D I D E I A S . C O MForum d’ Ideias is a full services Conference Organizer and Destination Management Company operating throughout Portugal that combines high level of customer service, unmatched product expertise and competitive rates. Success is in the detail, and it is the attention to detail that makes the difference. When we handle your event, nothing is left to chance.

ABREU | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 2 0 4 3 5 7 0 | D M C P O R T U G A L . P O R T O @A B R E U . P T | H T T P : // P C O . A B R E U . P T

BUZ Z PORTUGAL | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 4 7 1 6 0 | E M A I L : L I S B O A@ B U Z Z P O R T U G A L . C O M | W W W . B U Z Z P O R T U G A L . C O M

DOC DMC SERV IC E S , E V ENT S & W INE | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 0 0 0 | I N F O @ D O C - D M C . C O M | W W W . D O C - D M C . C O M

E V ENT I V US | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 9 3 9 0 1 0 | E V E N T I V O S@ E V E N T I V O S . P T | W W W . E V E N T I V O S . P T

JC T OURS | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 2 1 5 1 0 0 | D A L I L A . S O U S A@J C T O U R S . P T | W W W . J C T O U R S . P T

O A S I S DMC | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 9 0 9 2 | V I P E V E N T S@ O A S I S T R AV E L . N E T | W W W . O A S I S T R AV E L . N E T


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W W W . E V E N T P O I N T . C O M . P T

PORT UG A L TR AV E L T E AM | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 1 6 1 6 0 0 | P T T . L I S B O N @ P O R T U G A L-T R AV E LT E A M . P T | W W W . P O R T U G A L-T R AV E LT E A M . P T

TA DMC | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 9 2 5 4 0 0 | L I S B O A@T O PAT L A N T I C O . P T | W W W .TA D M C . C O M

V EG A | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 9 7 6 0 5 3 | V E G A@V E G A . P T | W W W .V E G A . P T



C S V IN TAGE HOUSE HOT E L ***** | P I NH Ã O+ 3 5 1 2 5 4 7 3 0 2 3 0 | B O O K I N G S@ C S H O T E L S A N D R E S O R T S . C O M | W W W . C S H O T E L S A N D R E S O R T S . C O M

DOURO PA L ACE HOT E L RE SORT & SPA **** | B A I Ã O+ 3 5 1 2 5 4 8 8 0 0 0 0 | R E S E R VA S@ D O U R O PA L A C E . C O M | W W W . D O U R O PA L A C E . C O M

HOT E L C ARR I S PORTO R IBE IR A **** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 2 0 6 1 2 7 0 | P O R T O R I B E I R A@ C A R R I S H O T E L E S . C O M | W W W . C A R R I S H O T E L E S . C O M

HOT E L INFANT E S AGRE S ***** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 3 3 9 8 5 0 0 | B O O K I N G S@ H O T E L I N FA N T E S A G R E S . P T | W W W . H O T E L I N FA N T E S A G R E S . P T

HO T E L IN T ERCONT INENTA L PORTO - PA L ÁC IO DAS C ARDOSAS ***** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 0 0 3 5 6 0 0 | I C P O R T O . I N F O @ I H G . C O M | W W W . I N T E R C O N T I N E N TA L . C O M / P O R T O

HOT E L SOLV ERDE SPA & WE L LNE SS C ENT ER ***** | V I L A NO VA D E G A I A+ 3 5 1 2 2 7 3 3 8 0 3 0 | C O M E R C I A L@S O LV E R D E . P T | W W W . S O LV E R D E . P T

ME L I A BR AG A HOT E L & SPA ***** | BR A G A+ 3 5 1 2 5 3 1 4 4 0 0 0 | M E L I A . B R A G A@ M E L I A P O R T U G A L . C O M | W W W . M E L I A B R A G A . C O M

PORTO PA L ÁC IO C ONGRE SS HOT E L & SPA ***** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 6 0 8 6 6 0 0 | G E R A L@ P O R T O PA L A C I O H O T E L . P T | W W W . H O T E L P O R T O PA L A C I O . C O M

SHER ATON PORTO HOT E L & SPA ***** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 | S A L E S . P O R T O @S H E R AT O N . C O M | W W W . S H E R AT O N P O R T O . C O M

THE Y E ATMAN ***** | V I L A NO VA D E G A I A+ 3 5 1 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 | R E S E R VAT I O N S@T H E Y E AT M A N . C O M | W W W .T H E Y E AT M A N . C O M

T I A R A PARK AT L ANT IC PORTO ***** | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 6 0 7 2 5 0 0 | R E S E R VA S . P O R T O @T I A R A - H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I A R A - H O T E L S . C O M

V IDAGO PA L ACE HOT E L ***** | V I D A G O+ 3 5 1 2 7 6 9 9 0 9 0 0 | I N F O S A L E S@V I D A G O PA L A C E . C O M | W W W .V I D A G O PA L A C E . C O M

POUSADA DO F RE I XO | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 4 0 7 6 0 0 | G U E S T@ P O U S A D A S . P T | W W W . P O U S A D A S . P T


CUR I A PA L ACE HOT E L **** | A N A D I A+ 3 5 1 2 3 1 5 1 0 3 0 0 | C U R I A@A L M E I D A H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . A L M E I D A H O T E L S . C O M

HOT E L L U S I TÂN I A C ONGRE SS & SPA **** | G U A RD A+ 3 5 1 2 7 1 2 3 8 2 8 5 | C E N T R A L D E R E S E R VA S@ N AT U R A I M B H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . N AT U R A I M B H O T E L S . C O M

HOT E L PA L ÁC IO DOS ME LOS **** | V I S E U+ 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 3 9 2 9 0 | R E S E R VA S M O N T E B E L O @V I S A B E I R AT U R I S M O . C O M | W W W . H O T E L PA L A C I O D O S M E L O S . P T

HO T E L QU IN TA DAS L ÁGR IMAS **** | C O IMBR A + 3 5 1 2 3 9 8 0 2 3 8 0 | I N F O @ Q U I N TA D A S L A G R I M A S . P T | W W W . Q U I N TA D A S L A G R I M A S . P T

HO T E L TRYP COL INA DO C AST E LO **** | C A S T E L O BR A NC O + 3 5 1 2 7 2 3 4 9 2 8 0 | T R Y P. C O L I N A . C A S T E L O @S O L M E L I A . C O M | W W W .T R Y P C O L I N A C A S T E L O . C O M

HOT E L V I L A G A L É C O IMBR A **** | C O IMBR A+ 3 5 1 2 3 9 2 4 0 0 0 0 | C O I M B R A@V I L A G A L E . P T | W W W .V I L A G A L E . P T

ME L I Á PA L ÁC IO DA L OUSÃ BOU T IQUE HOT E L **** | L O U S Ã+ 3 5 1 2 3 9 9 9 0 8 0 0 | I N F O @ PA L A C I O D A L O U S A . C O M | W W W . PA L A C I O D A L O U S A . C O M

ME L I Ã R I A HOT E L & SPA **** | AV E I R O+ 3 5 1 2 3 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 | M E L I A . R I A@S O L M E L I A P O R T U G A L . C O M | W W W . M E L I A R I A . C O M

MONTEBE LO HOT E L & SPA ***** | V I S E U + 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 | R E S E R VA S M O N T E B E L O @V I S A B E I R AT U R I S M O . C O M | W W W . M O N T E B E L O V I S E U . P T

PA L ACE HOT E L BUSSACO ***** | L U S O+ 3 5 1 2 3 1 9 3 7 9 7 0 | B U S S A C O @A L M E I D A H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . A L M E I D A H O T E L S . C O M

POUSADA DE V I S EU | V I S E U+ 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 5 7 3 2 0 | G U E S T@ P O U S A D A S . P T | W W W . P O U S A D A S . P T

T I VOL I C O IMBR A C I T Y C ENT ER HOT E L **** | C O IMBR A+ 3 5 1 2 3 9 8 5 8 3 0 0 | H T C O I M B R A@T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M


HOT E L E S TOR I L EDEN **** | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 6 7 6 0 0 | G E R A L@ H O T E L E S T O R I L E D E N . P T | W W W . H O T E L E S T O R I L E D E N . P TWith its 162 rooms, soundproofed and equipped with air-conditioning, TV, telephone, safe, full bathroom, kitchenette and furnished balcony, the Hotel Estoril Eden is able to respond with quality and efficiency to the requirements of various segments of tourism, from leisure to business.

HOTE L INGL AT ERR A **** | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 8 4 4 6 1 | G E R A L@ H O T E L I N G L AT E R R A . C O M . P T | W W W . H O T E L I N G L AT E R R A . C O M . P TThe charming and charismatic Hotel Inglaterra is located in the centre of famous Estoril. The building of great architectonic beauty is a palace dating back to the start of the 20th century with a personalized decoration in perfect balance of classic and contemporaneous comfort.

PA L ÁC IO DE BE LMONTE | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 8 1 6 6 0 0 | O F F I C E@ PA L A C I O B E L M O N T E . C O M | W W W . PA L A C I O B E L M O N T E . C O MFor an experience beyond compare, far back to our roots, to our childhood, to fantasy, let Palácio Belmonte be your house while discovering the wonderland of Portugal.

V IP E X ECU T I V E ART ’ S **** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 | H O T E L A R T S@V I P H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .V I P H O T E L S . C O MThe Vip Executive Art’s, one of the most modern hotels of Lisbon, is located at the Parque das Nações in the heart of the new Lisbon, 6 km away from the Lisbon International Airport. Vip Executive Arts: Your home… away from home!


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A LT I S BE L ÉM HOT E L & SPA ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 | R E S E R VAT I O N S@A LT I S B E L E M H O T E L . C O M | W W W . A LT I S H O T E L S . C O M

C OR INTH I A HOT E L L I SBON ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 7 2 3 6 3 6 3 | L I S B O N @ C O R I N T H I A . C O M | W W W . C O R I N T H I A . C O M / L I S B O N

C S S ÃO R A FA E L AT L ANT IC HOT E L ***** | A L B U F E I R A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 5 9 9 4 2 8 | G R O U P S . A L G A R V E@ C S H O T E L S A N D R E S O R T S . C O M | W W W . C S H O T E L S A N D R E S O R T S . C O M

F ONTANA PARK HOT E L **** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 7 6 2 1 2 | G E R A L@ F O N TA N A PA R K H O T E L . C O M | W W W . F O N TA N A PA R K H O T E L . C O M

F OUR S E ASONS HOT E L R I T Z L I SBON ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 8 1 1 4 0 0 | R I T Z F O U R S E A S O N S@ M A I L .T E L E PA C . P T | W W W . F O U R S E A S O N S . C O M / L I S B O N

GR ANDE RE A L S TA . E UL Á L I A ***** | A L B U F E I R A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 5 9 8 0 0 0 | C O M E R C I A L . A L G @ H O T E I S R E A L . C O M | W W W . H O T E I S R E A L . C O M

H I LT ON V I L AMOUR A A S C ASC ATAS GOL F RE SORT & SPA ***** | V I L A MO UR A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 0 4 0 0 0 | S A L E S .V I L A M O U R A@ H I LT O N . C O M | W W W . H I LT O N V I L A M O U R A R E S O R T . C O M

HOT E L A LT I S ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 0 6 0 0 0 | R E S E R VAT I O N S@ H O T E L- A LT I S . P T | W W W . A LT I S H O T E L S . C O M

HO T E L C ASC A I S M IR AGEM ***** | C A S C A I S+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 | G E R A L@ C A S C A I S M I R A G E . C O M | W W W . C A S C A I S M I R A G E . C O M

HOT E L CROWNE P L A Z A V I L AMOUR A ***** | V I L A MO UR A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 8 1 6 0 0 | S A L E S@ C P V I L A M O U R A . C O M | W W W . C R O W N E P L A Z A . C O M

HO T E L DOM PEDRO MAR INA **** | V I L A MO UR A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 0 0 7 8 0 | A L G A R V E . R E S E R VAT I O N S@ D O M P E D R O . C O M | W W W . D O M P E D R O . C O M

HOT E L DOM PEDRO PA L ACE ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 8 9 6 6 0 0 | L I S B O A . R E S E R VAT I O N S@ D O M P E D R O . C O M | W W W . D O M P E D R O . C O M

HO T E L OL I S S IPPO L APA PA L ACE ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 9 4 9 4 9 4 | R S V@ O L I S S I P P O H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . O L I S S I P P O H O T E L S . C O M

HO T E L QU IN TA DA MAR INHA RE SORT ***** | C A S C A I S+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 8 6 0 1 0 0 | S A L E S@ Q U I N TA D A M A R I N H A . C O M | W W W . Q U I N TA D A M A R I N H A . C O M

HO T E L T I VOL I L I SBOA ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 9 8 9 0 0 | H T L I S B O A@T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M

HO T E L T I VOL I PA L ÁC IO DE S E T E A I S ***** | S I N T R A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 2 3 3 2 0 0 | H T P S E T E A I S@T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M

L I SBOA MARR IO T T HOT E L **** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 7 2 3 5 4 0 0 | L I S B O N @ M A R R I O T T H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . L I S B O N M A R R I O T T . C O M

M YR I AD BY S ANA HOT E L S ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 0 7 6 0 0 | I N F O @ M Y R I A D . P T | W W W . M Y R I A D . P T

PA L ÁC IO E S TOR I L HOT E L GOL F & SPA ***** | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 4 8 0 0 0 | I N F O @ H O T E L E S T O R I L PA L A C I O . P T | W W W . PA L A C I O E S T O R I L H O T E L . C O M

P ENHA L ONG A HOT E L & GOL F RE SORT ***** | S I N T R A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 2 4 9 0 0 0 | R E S O R T . P E N H A L O N G A@ P E N H A L O N G A . C O M | W W W . P E N H A L O N G A . C O M

P E S TANA PA L ACE HOT E L ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 6 1 5 6 0 0 | G U E S T@ P E S TA N A . C O M | W W W . P E S TA N A . C O M

R I A PARK G ARDEN HOT E L **** | A L M A NC I L+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 5 9 8 0 0 | I N F O @ R I A PA R K H O T E L S . C O M | W W W . R I A PA R K H O T E L S . C O M

SHER ATON A LG ARVE ***** | A L B U F E I R A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 5 0 0 1 0 0 | S A L E S . A L G A R V E@ L U X U R Y C O L L E C T I O N . C O M | W W W . L U X U R Y C O L L E C T I O N . C O M /A L G A R V E

SHER ATON L I SBOA HOT E L & SPA ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 | S H E R AT O N . L I S B O A@S H E R AT O N . C O M | W W W . S H E R AT O N L I S B O A . C O M

T HE O I TAVOS ***** | C A S C A I S+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 8 6 0 0 2 0 | I N F O @T H E O I TAV O S . C O M | W W W .T H E O I TAV O S . C O M

T I A R A PARK AT L ANT IC L I SBOA ***** | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 8 1 8 7 0 0 | R E S E R VA S . L I S B O A@T I A R A - H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I A R A - H O T E L S . C O M

T I VOL I MAR INA V I L AMOUR A ***** | V I L A MO UR A+ 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 0 3 3 0 3 | R E S E R VAT I O N S . H T M @T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .T I V O L I H O T E L S . C O M


HOT E L MAR INA AT L ÂNT ICO **** | P ON TA D E L G A D A + 3 5 1 2 9 6 3 0 7 9 0 0 | H O T E L M A R I N A AT L A N T I C O @ B E N S A U D E . P T | W W W . B E N S A U D E . P T

T ERCE IR A MAR HOT E L **** | A NGR A D O H E R O Í S MO+ 3 5 1 2 9 5 4 0 2 2 8 0 | T E R C E I R A M A R H O T E L@ B E N S A U D E . P T | W W W . B E N S A U D E . P T

V IP E X ECU T I V E A ZORE S **** | P ON TA D E L G A D A+ 3 5 1 2 9 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 | R E S . A Z O R E S@V I P H O T E L S . C O M | W W W .V I P H O T E L S . C O M


MADE IR A REGENCY PA L ACE ***** | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 7 2 4 2 2 7 | R E S E R VAT I O N S@ H O T E L R E G E N C Y PA L A C E . C O M | W W W . H O T E L R E G E N C Y PA L A C E . C O M

RE ID ’ S PA L ACE ***** | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 | R E S E R VAT I O N S@ R E I D S PA L A C E . C O M | W W W . R E I D S PA L A C E . C O M

ROYA L S AVOY MADE IR A ***** | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 2 1 3 5 0 0 | R E S E R VAT I O N S . R S@S AV O Y R E S O R T . C O M | W W W . H O T E L R O YA L S AV O Y M A D E I R A . C O M

THE V INE ***** | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 7 2 1 4 0 6 | T H E V I N E@ P O R T U G A L- L I V E . N E T | W W W . P O R T U G A L- L I V E . N E T/ T H E V I N E


A IM | L I S B O A + 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 0 4 0 | F : + 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 0 5 0 | L I S B O N @A I M G R O U P. E U | W W W . A I M G R O U P. E U / L I S B O NAIM Group - Lisbon Office. A leading multinational company, also present in Portugal, specialized in Corporate Events and Congresses. International know-how, local expertise.

CPL MEE T INGS & E V ENT S | C A S C A I S+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 0 0 3 5 4 0 | E V E N T S@ C P L E V E N T S . P T | W W W . C P L E V E N T S . P TCPL Meetings & Events is part of a Communications Group which provides full management services or expert help with specific projects. Our association experts will support and advise an association on its meetings needs throughout all stages from bidding, to strategy and implementation. We provide strategic consulting to building sustainable meetings and events through excellent strategy to help them create successful events. We provide a full range of services, as many or as few as the client needs.


Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (37)


W W W . E V E N T P O I N T . C O M . P T

FAC TOR CHAV E | L I ND A - A -V E L H A+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 3 0 7 74 0 | G E R A L@ FA C T O R C H AV E | W W W . FA C T O R C H AV E . P TFactor Chave works exclusively in the field of health meetings. Today we boast twelve years of experience in planning events of various types and dimensions with medical associations, research groups, pharmaceutical and equipment companies. Marketing is a central element of our work, which always reflects passion, strategy, know-how, competence, original ideas and talent.

F ORUM D ’ I DE I A S , P CO & DMC | V I L A NO G UE I R A D E A Z E I TÃ O+ 3 5 1 2 1 2 1 8 9 3 9 3 | I N F O @ F O R U M D I D E I A S . C O M | W W W . F O R U M D I D E I A S . C O MForum d’ Ideias is a full services Conference Organizer and Destination Management Company operating throughout Portugal that combines high level of customer service, unmatched product expertise and competitive rates. Success is in the detail, and it is the attention to detail that makes the difference. When we handle your event, nothing is left to chance.

SK YROS CONGRE SSOS | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 6 1 6 5 4 5 0 | S K Y R O S@S K Y R O S - C O N G R E S S O S . C O M | W W W . S K Y R O S - C O N G R E S S O S . C O MWe are a P.C.O - Professional Congress Organizer, founded in 1987.Our activity consists in the organization of congresses, meetings, seminars, workshops and the coordination of every aspect related to the organization of such events.We value technological innovation as a way to the efficiency and the success of our events.

THE HOUSE OF E V ENT S | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 8 3 4 8 9 4 0 | I N F O @T H E . P T | W W W .T H E . P T Broad communication skills; wide range of technical abilities; major ground-breaking capacity to find innovative solutions in congress and event planning.

C I - C ONGRE SSOS E INC ENT I VOS | S I N T R A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 2 4 6 3 4 2 | C I C O N G R E S S O S@S A P O . P T | W W W . C I - C O N G R E S S O S . C O M

C ONGRE SST UR | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 2 0 2 3 2 5 0 | I N F O @ C O N G R E S S T U R . P T | H T T P : // C O N G R E S S T U R . P T

L E AD ING | L I ND A - A -V E L H A + 3 5 1 2 1 7 7 1 2 6 3 4 | L E A D I N G @ L E A D I N G . P T | W W W . L E A D I N G . P T

MUND ICONVEN IU S | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 5 5 1 3 5 | I N F O @ M U N D I C O N V E N I U S . P T | H T T P : // M U N D I C O N V E N I U S . P T

T E AM QUATRO | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 0 0 | I N F O @T E A M Q U AT R O . C O M | H T T P : // T E A M Q U AT R O . C O M


C ENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS DO E S TOR I L | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 4 7 5 7 0 | I N F O @ E S T O R I L C C . C O M | W W W . E S T O R I L C C . C O MECC is the only venue with Green Certification in Portugal and the European leader and foremost MI venue in Sustainable Business Tourism. Discover our unique services that can hightlight the CSR image of your business, and/or organize your Green Event with help from our green specially trained staff.

CENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS F RE EPORT | A L C O C HE T E+ 3 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 5 2 8 | D O R A . T O R M E N TA@ C C F R E E P O R T . C O M | W W W . C C F R E E P O R T . C O M Capacities ranging from 96 to 800 seats. The flexibility of the spaces and the multipurpose hall positions this venue as an excellent choice for the most varied types of events.

PAV I LHÃO AT L ÂNT ICO | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 9 1 8 4 0 9 | I N F O @ PAV I L H A O AT L A N T I C O . P T | W W W . PAV I L H A O AT L A N T I C O . P TA national benchmark in multipurpose arenas and sites for large events in the Country, this venue hosts an average of 80 events a year, of various different types, and for around 400,000 people. From concerts, family shows and sporting events, these facilities also host product launches, meetings of domestic and international economic groups, openings and various functions for large conventions, exhibitions and fairs, management meetings, gala evenings and catering events.

C AMPO PEQUENO | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 4 1 4 0 7 8 | E V E N T O S@ C A M P O P E Q U E N O . C O M | W W W . C A M P O P E Q U E N O . C O M

C ENTRO CULT UR A L DE BE L ÉM | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 6 1 2 4 0 0 | C C B @ C C B . P T | W W W . C C B . P T

C ENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS DA A L FÂNDEG A | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 3 4 0 3 0 2 4 | G E R A L@ C C A L FA N D E G A P O R T O . C O M | W W W . C C A L FA N D E G A P O R T O . C O M

C ENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS DE L I SBOA | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 6 0 1 4 0 0 | L I S B O A C C@A I P. P T | W W W . L I S B O A C C . P T

C ENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS DO AR ADE | L A G O A+ 3 5 1 2 8 2 4 9 8 5 7 7 | I N F O @ C E N T R O C O N G R E S S O S A R A D E . C O M | W W W . C E N T R O C O N G R E S S O S A R A D E . C O M

E UROPARQUE | S A N TA M A R I A D A F E I R A+ 3 5 1 2 5 6 3 7 0 2 0 0 | E V E N T O S@ E U R O PA R Q U E . P T | W W W . E U R O PA R Q U E . P T

E XPONOR - C ENTRO DE CONGRE SSOS | M AT O S INHO S+ 3 5 1 2 2 9 9 8 1 4 2 5 | C O N G R E S S O S@ E X P O N O R . P T | W W W . E X P O N O R . P T

F E IR A IN T ERNAC IONA L DE L I SBOA | L I S B O A + 3 5 1 2 1 8 9 2 1 5 0 0 | F I L@A I P. P T | W W W . F I L . P T

MADE IR A T ECNOPOLO | F UNC H A L+ 3 5 1 2 9 1 7 2 0 0 0 0 | G C I @ M A D E I R AT E C N O P O L O . P T | W W W . M A D E I R AT E C N O P O L O . P T

PARQUE DE E XPOS IÇÕE S DE BR AG A | BR A G A+ 3 5 1 2 5 3 2 0 8 2 3 0 | P E B @ P E B . P T | W W W . P E B . P T


Event Point Portugal 01 - [PDF Document] (38)



EUROPA LCO | S I N T R A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 6 0 5 5 2 0 | C O M E R C I A L@ E U R O PA L C O . P T | W W W . E U R O PA L C O . P TEuropalco offers a wide range of products, services and solutions for any type of event or show, from the smallest to the biggest and most complex. In 2012 alone it organised over 1,400 events in Portugal and abroad and travelled more than half a million kilometres.( E Q U I P M E N T R E N T I N G )

A L UGOCL IMA | A L D E I A D E PA I O P I R E S+ 3 5 1 2 1 2 5 4 9 5 5 0 | I N F O @A L U G O C L I M A . C O M | W W W . A L U G O C L I M A . C O M( A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G U N I T S )

AVK | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 4 1 3 5 3 0 | C O M E R C I A L@AV K . P T | W W W . AV K . P T( A U D I O V I S U A L C O M PA N Y )

C A SA DO MARQUÊ S | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 1 1 8 1 5 2 | C A S A D O M A R Q U E S@ C A S A D O M A R Q U E S . P T | W W W . C A S A D O M A R Q U E S . P T(C AT E R I N G )

D E SA F IO GLOBA L AT I V I SM | L I ND A - A -V E L H A+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 1 4 9 5 5 0 | P E D R O . R O D R I G U E S@ D E S A F I O G L O B A L . AT I V I S M . P T | W W W . D E S A F I O G L O B A L . AT I V I S M . P T( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )

DOURO A ZUL | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 3 4 0 2 5 0 0 | R E S E R VA S@ D O U R O A Z U L . C O M | W W W . D O U R O A Z U L . P T(O U T D O O R , L E I S U R E A N D C U LT U R A L )

E V ENT S ERV IC E S | V I L A NO VA D E G A I A+ 3 5 1 2 2 0 9 3 2 9 4 7 | I N F O @ E V E N T S E R V I C E S . P T | W W W . E V E N T S E R V I C E S . P T( S O F T WA R E A N D E Q U I P M E N T R E N T I N G )

FADUS | E S T OR I L+ 3 5 1 2 1 4 6 6 2 5 5 0 | G E R A L@ FA D U S P E C I A L E V E N T S . C O M | W W W . FA D U S P E C I A L E V E N T S . C O M( E N T E R TA I N M E N T )

F I D A LGU I A | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 5 6 6 3 5 9 | G E R A L@ F I D A L G U I A . P T | W W W . F I D A L G U I A . P T( T R A N S P O R T S )

GRUPO BARR AQUE IRO | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 7 5 1 1 9 0 0 | B A R R A Q U E I R O @ B A R R A Q U E I R O . C O M | W W W . B A R R A Q U E I R O . C O M( T R A N S P O R T S )

K R I A E V ENTOS | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 0 2 2 7 | K E@ K R I A E V E N T O S . P T | W W W . K R I A E V E N T O S . P T( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )

L INE UP | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 3 3 0 3 7 3 4 | I N F O @ L I N E U P. P T | W W W . L I N E U P. P T( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )

M IN I F O TO | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 7 5 6 7 3 3 0 | M I N I F O T O @ N E T C A B O . P T | W W W . M I N I F O T O - E S T U D I O . C O M( P H O T O G R A P H E R S )

N V S T UD IO | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 6 1 8 0 74 1 | N V S T U D I O @ N V S T U D I O . C O . P T | W W W . M I N I F O T O - E S T U D I O . C O M( P H O T O G R A P H E R S )

PMP PRODUÇÕE S | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 8 6 1 9 3 7 5 | P M P @ P O R T U G A L M A I L . C O M | W W W . P M P E V E N T O S . C O M( E N T E R TA I N M E N T )

R E A L I Z AR | P OR T O+ 3 5 1 2 2 5 0 74 5 3 0 | I N F O @ R E A L I Z A R . C O M | W W W . R E A L I Z A R . C O M( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )

S A L | S E T ÚB A L+ 3 5 1 2 6 5 2 2 7 6 8 5 | S A L@S A L . P T | W W W . S A L . P T(O U T D O O R , L E I S U R E A N D C U LT U R A L )

S ERV IC E PACK | L E Ç A D A PA L ME I D A+ 3 5 1 2 2 9 9 4 2 9 4 4 | G E R A L@S E R V I C E PA C K . P T | W W W . S E R V I C E PA C K . P T( A U D I O V I S U A L C O M PA N Y )

S I LVA C ARVA LHO C AT ER ING | S I N T R A+ 3 5 1 2 1 9 2 5 5 5 1 0 | C O M E R C I A L@S C C AT E R I N G . P T | W W W . S I LVA C A R VA L H O C AT E R I N G . C O M(C AT E R I N G )

TAVOL ANOSTR A | A R G A N I L+ 3 5 1 2 3 5 2 0 3 0 2 9 | G E R A L@TAV O L A N O S T R A . C O M | W W W .TAV O L A N O S T R A . C O M( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )

T RÊ S S ÉCULOS | V I L A NO VA D E G A I A+ 3 5 1 2 2 3 74 2 8 0 0 | G E N E R A L . O F F I C E@T R E S S E C U L O S . P T | W W W .T R E S S E C U L O S . P T(C AT E R I N G )

T UR AV ENT UR | É V OR A+ 3 5 1 2 6 6 74 3 1 3 4 | T U R AV E N T U R @T U R AV E N T U R . C O M | W W W .T U R AV E N T U R . C O M(O U T D O O R , L E I S U R E A N D C U LT U R A L )

T Z IR ANDA | L I S B O A + 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 4 0 9 8 3 | R G F@T Z I R A N D A . C O M | W W W .T Z I R A N D A . C O M(S O F T WA R E )

UP PARTNER | L I S B O A+ 3 5 1 2 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 | R U I . B AT I S TA@ U P PA R T N E R . P T | W W W . U P PA R T N E R . P T( E V E N T P L A N N E R S )


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.